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Arrived Shanghai on Tueday and called up AnAn, very positive response and helpful. Arrange Ann Hui as mentioned by all Chings here. Arrived after 30minutes as agreed to pay for taxi fare...Not really pretty, about 6/10 but with good wearing taste, huge top about 36D. Asked for 260 session, massage is good with adequate strength. Easy to talk with and offer FS after a few chats but was in a hurry so declined. Voice is soft and try hard to get you excited and satisfied....worth trying.


回復 1925# 的帖子

hi bro LJH, is this contact still valid for Beijing?
雨馨: 1#162979460  QQ: 1149#0#604    SH, BJ
Do you have any other agent contacts in BJ?
Any recommendation of gals in BJ?

Thanks for your help.


回復 1954# 的帖子

thx bro,
What is the price of massage+HJ? similar to SH?




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