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[原創] 密宗按摩

happy new yr c hing! Pease PM me the details


C Hing, just went thru all posts... seems interesting...

She looks a prof. in tantra... is she HOT? big boobs? (I know she is selling her prof. tantra skill instead of....)   

any chace ML? I mean pay extra
原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-4-19 11:33 發表

Check my post no. 296 and you can find the details on her web site.


C hing, I got her email feedback and ask me to prepare a place for massage.... shit

I thought I can have the massage in her room, now I really have to pay extra to get a room
原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-4-20 11:13 發表

She made it clear to me beforehand that she doesn't provide extra service and so she doesn't charge anything extra.  Don't whether any other C hings have luck to ML with her.


Thanks C Hing, I told her that I was referred by Happy C Hing (hope you dont mind)... and ask if it is possible to enjoy the services at her room.

btw, can I touch her (or even grab her boobs) during the massage?
原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-4-20 13:39 發表

Oh really?  She does provide in-room service.  Dunno why she needs you to get a room.  May be she is just cautious.


Thanks advice
原帖由 LTF_123 於 2011-4-20 14:23 發表
To above Chings, why so complicated you encountered?, touch her? kiss her?
Straight forward to ask her how much to get your full service....I think every one has a price line....If she feels good wi ...


I just tried last evening
1>100% Eng channel, i think if all C hing wants to try... maybe u need to practise your english first
2> Yes we both totally naked
3> I can touch every parts of her body except pussy
4> she massage me in very soft way... not like Chinese / Thai Massage
5> she made me hard 4 times...I satisfied this part... ok I gave 7/10 score
6> Body , she is fit 7/10
7> Age, I guess she is around 30 - 33
8> If i have spare $$ and Time... will try again... but I believe I will not have spare $$ and time anymore unless she will provide ML service


in fact, whole process just like all massage with HJ service.
different is the BG is White gal and spend 15 mins to explain what tantra is
原帖由 pqzm88 於 2011-4-28 13:35 發表
ching can you give us some idea of the process


唔知hk仲有冇類似既service? 鬼妹Massage?


thanks C Hing, I googled and got two sites...
原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2011-5-3 16:39 發表

There is another company which provide this kind of service, but dunno whether it is done by foreign girls or not.  Just google tantric massage hong kong you will find it.




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