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[上樓骨] 華豐7H3

Since I got 7H3’s telephone number from the brother of this forum for long time, I have tried to call her for booking several times, but I always found she was busy and unable to meet my schedule .    Lucky, I can successful to confirm the booking with her today .

When I arrive her office, she embraces with me warmly and we taking for few minutes during our embracing and I found her is a pretty girl with big breast (around 36D) .   At that time, I found her still have not enjoy her lunch, so I asked her to eat her lunch first and I go to have my bath by myself.

After she finished her lunch, we go to 1st part, I feel 7H3 using her heart, hard working and detailed to complete this part, as I am so tired today, after that all my tire are gone .  Her bone skill is acceptable, but still has improvement area because she still so young.  For the 2nd part, the details on her RPP and MB, I think does not need to repeat again here, because many C Hings are mentioned their experience, I want to summary that her RPP and BM skill is perfect .  Then, we go to bathing together after 2nd part, I am sure do not loss this opportunity to ‘try her breast’ again .

Before I leave her office, I told her I will re-call her for my 2nd booking in the coming future and she named me is “第二次來” for easy to remember me , she is very clever to use this way to remember me.  Per my own opinion 7H3 is worth to try , but the bad issue is very difficult to book with her.


原帖由 wantmakelove 於 2008-12-17 12:43 發表
有無師兄可以PM 7H3個聯絡電話給我啊?不過最怕好難BOOK。
PM-ED her phone number.




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