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 30 12



please read this website which may be able to provide more information


回復 7597# 的帖子

cannot worry too much.  since your 1st sex with the man was done in January so, perhaps u can go for a blood test now and another one in June.  just to keep u feel comfortable.     according to other C hing,  wart will come out after 3 months after infection, although the longer period is 8 months.  so, you may not have it.  but more safe is to wait for the smear test or PCR test.


回復 7611# 的帖子



see this link which may answer your question.

for your information, HPV has 100 types which divided into high risk and low risk,  high risk means the virus can cause cancer after a long period of time. for women, cerval cancer.   花 usual belongs to low risk ( from type 6, 11).   those high risk type ( type 16) will not have  花.


回復 7643# 的帖子

淋病 is not that difficult to cure and if you follow up better, recovery will be fast.  梅毒潛 伏 期 約 由 九 天 至 九 十 天 , 通 常 是 三 星 期 。so, if you do not have the sign after a month of the unsecure sex, u may relax a bit although, the three moth window is more accurate and safe.   For AIDS, some doctors said, if you have infected u will feel very discomfortable and get mild fever for long.    people worry because they do not know what will happen next  So, up to this stage,  worry do not help much. though it is inevitable.  i also tell myself the same.    hope this can help


in june 2008, i noticed some change of the skin around the groin. ( two small spots 肉粒with dark in colour).  in december, i went to see doctor which was told it as wart, and another specialist also said it was HPV 花.  the doctor did not tell me the detail but just applied some solution on the site.  he did not bother to check  other area for me as well. his attitude is really bad.  i requested him to do a lab test by taking the tissue but he refused. after 4 weeks the 花 disappeared.  after, i went back to UK.   then, i noticed some spots raised on my belly.  the doctor here refused to check as well but just spray冷凍 it whenever you shown him the area. i rhibk they do not know much about wart here.  very bad,  c hing in hkg at least has doctor ho, a good man,  so, after 4 months, i still do not know my situation is good or bad.  just checking everyday by myself.   so,  i think getting a good/ experience doctor is important.  I was told that dr ho was working in the government clinic before so, he has ample experience, anyway, if u do not have the sign now, do not over worry as not to make yourself breaking down. over worry dos not help much in fighting the virus with your husband.
deal with the problem one by one.  eat more onion and garlic will help you to boost your imune system.  some doctor said, female has better imune capability than man.    i think you may get a false alarm.


i have the same worry as you are.  i check the skin everyday and if any change of i would have checked many time,  the problem is that the doctor cannot tell the suspected spot is wart or not.  he even refused to look at it.  the first doctor o visited in HKG also a lousy one.  if I know dr HO first, i would have more relax.    so, i share your feeling as i am doing the same. I clean the bathroom every day and also wash my hands many times a day.  i feel i am not a clean person and shed to go out.   i lost 20lb in 3 months.  if u worry about the virus, i would suggest you to mark down the area you have checked and note the chnage,  so that you can mange your situation closely. it is useful  do not rely too much on the doctor as they treat hundred patient every day.  
anyway, the pig flu is coming,  so, be careful.


回復 7657# 的帖子

here, the doctor do not concern much about wart ( low risk).  the solution for testing the wart is acetic acid or actually, white vinegar in the kitchen, once applied, the wart will turn white that what they called acid white but it is not 100 percent accurate particularly if the testing not done by medical people.    for for good, do not apply 藥膏 without doctor instruction as the skin at the private is so sensitive.   you know summar in hkg is wet and hot.  you shall go to chinese medicine shop to buy  去濕清熱茶在家堡飲, 對皮膚有幫助. 意米水可以



回復 7781# 的帖子

如果doctor 技術好電可以即把花清徐 有小小痛 傷口約二星期痊愈 no scar. 其間塗抗生藥音膏.


回復 7806# 的帖子

醋酸試劑 is not accurate ( a lot of false positive) so, most of the Hong Kong doctor do not use it.


回復 7976# 的帖子

Mechanism of action: An immune enhancer that stimulates production of interferon and
other cytokines. It appears to have an advantage of reduced recurrence rate.
Suitable for: Women, and some men with foreskin-associated warts. Particularly useful for
‘carpet warts’, e.g. female introitus and perianal area.
Contraindications: Not currently recommended in pregnancy. A register of imiquimod use
in pregnancy has been established.*
Application: Careful application of imiquimod cream is important.
Applied onto fingertip and rubbed onto clean dry, wart area until cream vanishes once daily,
three times per week, prior to normal sleeping hours and after sexual activity (imiqimod
weakens condoms and vaginal diaphragms). Wash off next morning or after 6-10 hours.
The manufacturer recommends that a sachet be used for single use to cover an area of up to
20cm2. However, it has been demonstrated that one sachet will cover up to 386cm2 and
although, not recommended by the manufacturer, one sachet is commonly used for multiple
applications.64 It is recommended that treatment should be continued until the warts have
resolved, or up to a maximum of 16 weeks per course.
A preliminary study involving a small number of largely pre-treated women showed that a
four week course of imiquimod was as effective as longer courses of 8, 12 and 16 weeks with
fewer adverse reactions and reduced cost.65 The majority of women who cleared their warts
did so by eight weeks regardless of the duration of treatment, suggesting that imiquimod
prompts a cell-mediated response with specific T-cell immune memory within the first four
Side effects: Localised erythema, swelling and/or rarely superficial ulceration of the treated
area can be expected from two to six weeks as part of the immune response and will probably
be related to the direct therapeutic action of the agent, i.e. switching on the immune
response rather than to hypersensitivity. If indicated, the clinician may advise the patient to
miss the next two applications, use salt water baths as well as drying with a hairdryer before
recommencing treatment. These local skin reactions cause discontinuation of the treatment in
less than 2% of patients


回復 8136# 的帖子

no, use anti-botic cream to avoid infection


回復 8179# 的帖子



回復 8179# 的帖子



回復 8207# 的帖子

totally agree!!!!!!!


回復 8210# 的帖子

may not be that worst, be strong and calm.


please check for answer  look for 醫事顧問 and specialist and derm.............


[ 本帖最後由 raptor12 於 2009-7-5 02:37 編輯 ]


i use 1:99漂水 to soak the underwear for about an hour before washing.


回復 8333# 的帖子

other clothings can wash as normal.


回復 8448# 的帖子

please see the following from the CDC of USA,  three times a week , 1,3,5 or 2, 4, 6.   following doctor's instruction for application.

Recommended Regimens for External Genital Warts


Podofilox 0.5% solution or gel. Patients should apply podofilox solution with a cotton swab, or podofilox gel with a finger, to visible genital warts twice a day for 3 days, followed by 4 days of no therapy. This cycle may be repeated, as necessary, for up to four cycles. The total wart area treated should not exceed 10 cm2, and the total volume of podofilox should be limited to 0.5 mL per day. If possible, the health-care provider should apply the initial treatment to demonstrate the proper application technique and identify which warts should be treated. The safety of podofilox during pregnancy has not been established.
Imiquimod 5% cream. Patients should apply imiquimod cream once daily at bedtime, three times a week for up to 16 weeks. The treatment area should be washed with soap and water 6–10 hours after the application. The safety of imiquimod during pregnancy has not been established.


may be washing too much,  perhaps, just wash with water.  perhaps, u may call IDD to seek Dr Ho's advice.


回復 8563# 的帖子

if serious, visit local doctor.


回復 9255# 的帖子


chings .  c jie,  see this link that produced by new zealand government.


回復 10010# 的帖子

Welcome to our Forum.  Your question addresses a topic of importance and of considerable concern to clients who visit this site.  HPV, as you no doubt know, is very widespread with over 85% of adults having the infection at some point.  The question of how long the infection is present once warts have been treated and not returned is a topic of concern for patients and research for scientists.  On this site, we have stated repeatedly that if a wart is successfully treated and does not return within 3-6 months, the person should consider themselves cured.  I agree and endorse this approach. The big question however is what do we mean by cured.  By cured we mean that the wart is unlikely to recur and that the person is no long likely to transmit their HPV infection to sex partners.  Residual HPV DNA may still be present but it does not seem to lead to transmission. for this reason we do not urge clients to notify sex partners if their wart has not recurred in 3-6 months.  That also does not mean that the person cannot acquire new warts in the future.

Please do not consider this as an endorsement of decisions not to use condoms.  We continue to encourage and urge regular, consistent condom use for person with new or multiple partners.

In answer to your specific questions:
1.  See above.  If it has been more than 6 months I would not consider you at risk for transmission to sex partners through unprotected intercourse.
2.  Again, see above.  Very, very low.
3.  Correct. There are over 100 different HPV strains.  Two types cause most visible genital warts, types 6 and 11 and other, different types cause most cancers.  The types most commonly associated with cancer are types 18 and 18.
4.  No harm in asking.

Two further comments.  First, please aware that there is a highly effective vaccine to prevent HPV infections caused by types 6,11, 16 and 18.  The vaccine is recommended for women and encouraged for men. some insurance companies pay for it, others do not. It costs about $300 for the series of 3 shots.

Secondly, we get questions such as yours quite often. for your interest, I have pasted a recent response to another client in below which was written by my colleague, Dr. Handsfield.  you will see that our messages are similar.

"Many HPV biologists believe HPV DNA usually or always persists indefinitely.  However, even with the most sensitive tests available in research labs, the virus becomes undetectable, typically over several months to a year or two -- longer for the high-risk (cancer-associated) HPV types, shorter for low risk and wart-causing strains like HPV-6 and -11.  After that, it is uncommon for that particular infection to reactivate -- i.e. recurrent warts or newly abnormal pap smears are infrequent -- and subsequent transmission to sex partners is rare.  So for practical purposes, the infection is completely resolved and can be considered cured.  "Uncommon" doesn't mean these things never happen; they do, but infrequently.

So you can understand how some experts interpret these issues into conflicting messages:  "Most HPV infections are cured by treatment and/or the immune system" versus "HPV persists and is never really cured".  My own perspective is the first of these:  people should consider themselves cured when all signs of their HPV infection are gone and there is no recurrence within a few months."

Hope this helps.  For further information you might also check out the web site of the American Social Health Association (ASHA).  It is quite good (by way of disclosure, both Dr. Handfield and I are on the ASHA Board)


回復 9980# 的帖子

the below comes from a forum in USA talking about Herps::

Hello H,

Thank you for your help.

I contracted HSV 1 from an old girlfriend that had both HSV1 and HSV2 (igg test). We kissed 5/09 & had close skin to skin contact but no form of sexBuccal smear
Causes of sexual dysfunction
Child abuse - sexual
Delayed ejaculation
Erection problems
Female sexual dysfunction
Inhibited sexual desire
Orgasmic dysfunction
Puberty and adolescence
Safe sex .  A few weeks later she called me to show me clustersCluster headaches of ulcers on her bottom. Then, she told me it was herpes and she wanted me to know.
Before I found out about my old girlfriend, my new girlfriend (now fiancé)  had unprotected oral and sexually intercourseCauses of painful intercourse
Sexual intercourse - painful.

Ok. I got tested for HSV on 7/09: LabCorp HSV 1 Igg 3.80 –Positive, HSV 2 Igg, Herpeselect 0.19 – Negative. HSV Igm 1 & 2 Combination 1.44 Positive.

My PCP said this infection is new & I may have received it from my old girlfriend because of the Igm results.

I did a different test on 10/09 to be clearClear by design
Clear eyes
Clear eyes acr
Clear eyes clr
Clear-atadine children's. Immunoblot test(LabCorp). HSV 1 Igg Positive. HSV 2 Negative.
Currently, here is what I am going through:

Tingling (everyday) in the following areas:  tip of penisCancer - penis
Curvature of the penis
Penis care (uncircumcised)
Penis pain, below my waist, on my faceFace pain(I had my 1st cold sores on my lips after this), and sometimes the bottom of my feet.

Patches of small bumps with white fluid on 3-4 of the same places on my penis and then they leave my skin very dry and look like cluster of rashes healing
. Sometimes a little stinging on my penis. Most of all, the tingling feels like something crawling/popping on and around my genital, it is very annoying.

Also, I have had swollen lymph nodes on my neck & groin pains. Sores in bottom after tingling. Headaches after tingling.

I did get Valtrex but these symptoms have not stop.

1. Do I have genital HSV 1?
2. Can you recommend an ID doctor in my area? I am very unclear
3. Should I get a PCR test on my genital?
4. Can you have tingling from herpes without an outbreak/ulcer?
5. If this is not HSV what do you think it is?


Welcome to the STD forum.  Starting out with the title you chose for your question, before I read anything else:  Tingling, in the absence of overtly visible sores, is not a symptom of herpes.  If that's your main symptom, without blisters/sores, then you can be reasonably certain herpes isn't the cause.

Now I have read the question itself.  My intitial assumption seems correct.  You provide no evidence you have genital herpes.  Your blood test indeed shows you have HSV-1, but so does half the US population (lesser or greater proportions in other countries).

Your doctor probably believes your HSV-1 infection is new because the IgM test result was positive.  He apparently doesn't understand the nuances of HSV test results. In theory, a positive IgM test indicates a recent infection.  Unfortunately, it usually doesn't work that way with HSV.  It is conceivable you acquired HSV-1 from a sex partner, but it is more likely you have been infected for years (probably since childhood) with an oral, non-sexually acquired infection.  Below I will give you a link that explains the problems of the IgM herpes tests.

Second, if your old girlfriend had recurrent clusters of blister-like sores on her "bottom" (buttocks), it is more likely she had HSV-2 than HSV-1.  Luckily, your blood test shows you didn't catch HSV-2.

Third, as I already said above, tingling without lesions is not a symptom of herpes.  Let me also describe all the other reasons that your symptoms don't suggest herpes.  Herpes symptoms cannot continue daily. HSV outbreaks last no more than 10-14 days; cannot occur more often than every 4-6 weeks; and between outbreaks there are no symptoms at all.  And herpes symptoms cannot be so widespread as you describe.  Recurrent herpes symptoms are quite localized, always in more or less the same spot (give or take an inch), and always are limited to one side of the body.  Bilateral symptoms excludes herpes as a possibility.  Genital HSV-1 rarely causes frequent recurrent outbreaks. Only HSV-2 does that.  And finally, the capper:  lack of response to Valtrex more or less proves herpes isn't the cause.

To your specific questions:

1) Almost certainly you do not have genital HSV-1 (or HSV-2).

2) We don't make specific referrals.  Your county medical society can recommend an ID specialist.  But don't expect miracles.  You can expect that an ID specialist will confirm that herpes doesn't explain your symptoms.  A neurologist might be a better bet to explain your symptoms.

3) A PCR (or culture) for herpes can only be done if there is a blister or open sore to test.

4) Continuous tingling doesn't suggest herpes, as explained above.

5) I have no good explanation for your symptoms.  But the good news is this:  you did not catch herpes from your previous sex partner.  You probably have an old, longstanding HSV-1 infection that is not the cause of your symptoms.

I hope this helps.  Best wishes--  HHH, MD


回復 10033# 的帖子

your report should be a good news to you.  your past report shown abnormal but this one shows your 細胞正常 means your immune system has killed the HPV or perhaps some HPV DNA still remain in your body but it is suppressed.   according to doctor, we can get several type of HPV at the some time.


 30 12


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