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LJW CHing,

  Does  小欣 do 800?


LJW CHing, with the EXPO opening behind us, are the Shanghai hotels safe now? I'm going there probably next week.....


Thank you CHing!


Does any CHing know if 秦琴 is still working these days? Thanks


回復 2004# 的帖子

Thanks CHing. I liked her a lot but I guess have to look for someone new....


回復 2007# 的帖子

Thanks very much CHing! I'll check them out!


回復 2007# 的帖子

Was in Shanghai last week and tried out 顏學 and  韓雪 thanks to LJW CHing's recommendation. I liked both of them (slim and petite, my cup of tea) and very good service. BTW, 顏學 told me that her name is actually  顏雪.... may be mandarin pronunciation is very similar


回復 2083# 的帖子

Good point, LJW CHing.
And also I agree with Shiraz CHing, 顏雪 probably has implants. I normally like natural girls but she's very cute....


回復 2091# 的帖子

How would you rate her level of "openness"?


回復 2191# 的帖子

Any brother tried 小小? How is her service and degree of openess? I'm going back to Shanghai in a week and looking for information.... Thanks


回復 2217# 的帖子

   Which agent and what's the name of the girl?


回復 2223# 的帖子

LJW Ching,
   Do all these girls work for 靈子? Or some other agent? I remember some earlier posts mentioned 小月 and she worked for 心緣


回復 2225# 的帖子

I see. Thank you!


回復 2229# 的帖子

Thanks CHing but that's really bad news. So is there any other suggestions from 小婷 who are open to FS?


Tried out a number of girls this week. Mini summary below:

蒙蒙 : T
ight body, girl next door looks, friendly. Very open and very good service
菲菲  :  Very pretty, silky smooth skin, slim.  Unfortunately her openness was limited (at least with me), other brothers could have better luck. She is really gorgeous so definitely worth a test drive
洋洋: Petite and slim, good looking and very nice well proportioned body. Good attitude,  very open and very good service

Overall very satisfied!


Just look at your keyboard and you'll figure it out!


回復 2424# 的帖子

CHing, is 萍萍 the same girl as the one mentioned earlier in #1756?


This time in Shanghai, did not try any new girls. Stick with known quality ladies llike 洋洋蒙蒙 and was again very satisfied. Also checked out 盈嘉 and like other CHing reported, she was very hot but I had to give her extra tip to be more open and allowed more touching.....


回復 2768# 的帖子


  Is 丽丽 slim/slender or chubby?


In Shanghai last week. 蒙蒙 and 洋洋 no longer in town so checked out the following girls:

冰冰 - Young and pretty, my type of girl. Looks like 張庭. No FS but open enough. Had a very good time, will repeat
晶晶 - Like other CHing's comments, she's very skilled and I was very happy (no FS); will repeat
大寶 - Every CHing should try!

  Did not have a chance to try the other new girls. Thanks for LJW's recommendations!


回復 2861# 的帖子

Yes, the Taiwan actress with the dimples, I thought 冰冰 from a certain angle looked like her......


CHing, any new JS from 心緣 worth trying?


回復 3107# 的帖子

Glad to hear that 顏學 is back. There was some issues reported with her sometime back. Is everything with her OK now?


Summary of my recent experience in Shanghai:

丹丹(小婷) - Girl next door looks, slim and good looking body. One CHing said she has flat chest... for me her breasts are small but acceptable.  Quite Open (no FS) and I had a good time.
珊珊(小婷) - Speaks some Cantonese. VERY nice breasts. No FS but very open otherwise. Pleasant personality. I had a lot of fun with her
安娜(心緣) - Good looking, nice body as LJW CHing described. Good service and definitely a tiger in bed!
甜甜(靈子) - Very pretty and young, nice body,  naturally tanned and smooth skin. A little inexperienced but very open. I really liked her!
莉莉(媚媚) - Very tall. Sexy and attractive face, good body. No FS but quite open and responsive

I also tried to call 安安 a couple of times but nobody picked up the phone... Did not know what the problem was
Thank you for CHing's recommendations, no time wasted and I left Shanghai exhausted!


Yes I agree. I like her 鼻摩 too!




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