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­ì©«¥Ñ Carljohnson ©ó 2009-2-25 20:16 µoªí
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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¤j²]¯T ©ó 2009-2-26 18:04 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ µ§¬ð ©ó 2009-2-26 17:45 µoªí
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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¤j²]¯T ©ó 2009-2-26 18:10 ½s¿è ]


This is a first time to meet the real boss of this forum.  Actually, you are not required to feel sad for those members like me to suspect what has been happened in this incident.

Of Course, if the action of lay off the post of fore-web master "Carljohnson" could be clearly published at the first place in the response of this thread, not inside the small discussion forum area (aviod the rumor of black-box operation).  As a normal member live in this forum, I can't see any "clear" evidence/discussion threads/PMs that µ§¬ð and anakin did not request you to abandon his post, of course I believe you.  I felt that you made this response could avoid a lot of unnecessary guess casued by this incident.

Moreover, I think the most important point is not to find out who make this decision but how to avoid the recurrence of this incident.  Before making that decision, as I didn't think Carlijohnson do any unforgivable mistake that you had to abrogate his duty, would big boss consider to give a kind warning to Carljohnson by email before taking this serious publishment action on him in a hurry?

Finally, I still respect your final decision to handle this matter but I hope you can appreciate the contribution made by Carlijohnson in this forum.

Thank you for your attention.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¤j²]¯T ©ó 2009-2-26 19:31 ½s¿è ]




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