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[疑難] 考 起!!!

昨晚飯與友.....小輩及小小輩....開懷大嚼。例牌行貨都好好味, 大家心情靚。
在1010帖, 老何講過一小小輩會考7分之事;自此之後, 小小輩並無再找學校, 反而四出探究有何職能訓練之處.
期間亦冇與小輩商量, 小輩亦不催促, 因恕艉髐k爭吵, 會攪出個大頭佛.........跳樓!
前帖述及小小輩本性, 她能對老說角ㄘ鼣J, 便知此女內藏鬥心, 而知得7分後给老何來亦说明是負責的。
小小輩咁E+攪BIN科呢, 去左菲臘牙科醫院修讀牙科手術助理員證書課程。

講這件事, 只希望做父母的要明白, 引導子女需從性格入手, 而子女性情非表面行為能判定的。



今年特別留意中學會考抬蛋人數, 報出6448名。
有一小小輩, 會考成積公報翌日, 早上來電, 高聲報喜..............Uncle!我咱7分呀!
替她高興, 小小輩性本聰敏, 奈何父母不明教誨需因性格而導之的道理, 尋且恕艀o競爭力不足,
從小什麼乜乜班, 物物班, 加於其身, 亦又貼身照顧, 得出相反效果, 總不細思孟母三遷內中意義。
會考前三月,老何往訪小輩, 見小輩妻愁眉不展, 方與女兒吵畢, 此亦香江一景, 普遍之極, 不以為意,
閒談間悉小小輩學業屬鷏~腳, 老何開解之, 謂求學不論何時皆可, 決於性情及成長環境, 壓力無補於事,
小小輩性本開朗, 但父母日以繼夜, 月以繼年地, 因愛護而致的要求, 不因性情而點撥, 往往適得其反。
此番說話, 不料被小小輩聽進耳中, 離開前小小輩從房中出來送別, 對吾說:Uncle, 我一定唔會抬蛋!


下圖考起老何, M料M足成個下午, 來龍去脈仲係MCC, 各位點睇!?

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青年失業創新高, 點攪?.............................考起!

ne個 pdf 大家關心下代, 請睇 :  http://www.ilo.org/public/libdoc/jobcrisis/download/story77_get.pdf (撮要)
FULL REPORT : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---emp_elm/---trends/documents/publication/wcms_143349.pdf
內中很多連结, 內容充實, 若不正視, 勢將破壞社會穩定。

ILO國際勞工组織數據, 全球15/24歲人口中, 13%失業, 而香港按勞福局數據是11.9%, 稍好於全球水平,
但15/19歲香港青年則長期處於20%以上, 之後日子, 有壞冇好。

之所以M青年失業問題講, 因港府要辦亞運, 無名火起, 好做唔做, 舍本逐末;用幾百億培訓青年才是為香港好。

上文講小小輩自尋出路, 令老何好開心, 因小小輩識諗, 識揀, 更識得什麼是將來;
比之香江高官為升官圖攪亞運的腦袋, 唔媽X班狗官, 自己谷住度氣!
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原帖由 comm 於 2010-9-21 21:50 發表
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40年前在美留學生發動的保釣運動所要求的, 一句立刻放人, 到了轉折點。

今早茶, 沸沸騰騰說的都是釣魚台島撞船事件;這週各方人仕論述無日無之, 推測判斷各有所本,
老何遍讀各方從形勢可能發展的論點找尋, 好像没有說到命運安排這一掌權者心態。

老何你究竟UP乜, 離題千百丈?

有作為的掌權者, 一生功業總结於一字, 曰「 名」;千古留名或千古罵名。
因命運安排能成為掌權者, 在神州大地的機會率是十幾億中的個位數, 便可想而知掌權者的心態。「名」決定此輩的存在。
形像的理解, 我們的對手日本, 便有兩個現成例子可作觀察, 1是電影〝 柳生一族的陰謀〞, 名句〈遇佛殺佛〉便概括了;
2是小說山岡庄八所著〝德川家康〞中的〈三方原會戰〉, 可說是掌權者對命運的詮釋。而我們祖宗的〝玄武門之變〞及
對待魏徵所展示的命運與心態, 「名」的反射, 一覽無遺。


釣魚台撞船事件, 雙方意志的質素決定結果。
對中共而言, 是天賜良機,好好珍惜吧!

相關搜索目錄: 小說 釣魚 運動 留學


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-9-23 16:57 發表
所以唔 qualify 既,都有 大專讀。其實香港青年失業率,高到難以想像。
係播, ne筆數未計 tim!咁, 分分鐘四個有一個fing髽ing, 父母日日對住佢, 點攪


有句說話, 好多人都聽過:

不去世博, 你後悔終生;去了世博, 你終生後悔。

Ah 理去世博, 肯定唔拍熱,  但老何等落雪後才去。


原帖由 Lawrencetoo 於 2010-9-24 14:31 發表
落雪後才去??世博都收左皮啦 ,你N後悔終生。Ah 理 E+去,撞正十一國慶節,真是mountain people mountain sea,諗起都
係wor, 下月31陋I單, 點呢?一生之中誰無後悔, 咁老何又多一瓣了


世博, 亞運, 有一共通點, 要用好大舊錢.。

老何反對攪亞運, 理由極之簡單, 唔值!咁點先至值呢?要攪就世界级!如夏季青年奧運, 足球世青杯 etc.
亞運留番卑印尼,菲,越,等需要提升形象的地方, 洋人都話香港已是三大金融業中心, 故攪亞運之目的,
對香港而言已不存在。但攪世界級, 在同胞眼中會問................香港妳老幾!?

亞運要用大大舊錢兼有排都未到, 而近在眼前兼關乎d孫一生幸福的事.........中學殺校, 則時不與我,
大家再唔關心, 已不是麻木不仁, 係幫兇。
孫滑頭就住荷包, 與此同時又散布似是而非的言論做勢, 此舉在老何眼中是形同謀殺
8,90s後的處境已不需再說, 但新世代的一輩還有機會, 不至於如8,90s後陷於不知所謂的教育制度中而得脫。
新一代最需要的是教學質素, 要達此目的, 非小班教學不可, 明年新學年度, 教學界認為中班教學, 簡直係唔湯唔水,
老何明白教學界此議的目的, 是與官僚討價還價, 這類思維, 不能說錯, 但本末倒置。

兜兜轉轉, 中學制度回到50年代, 但學子成長背景已天淵之別, 今天是求質, 並非求量。
張開地圖, 在香港上下左右的國家, 就學數量火箭標升, 甚至柬埔寨的教育經費佔GDP百份比還高過香港。
質素決勝負在未來是不易之理, 看不到這方向, 而只著眼於分配資源的官僚是陷少年人於不義。

競爭力高下, 視乎質素亦決定興衰。再不大力投資於教育而攪亞運, 想至此, 不禁悲從中來............

相關搜索目錄: 投資


A      學子成長背景已天淵之別,  - 問題所在。小班教學 / 高科技課堂等等,純粹改善硬件,軟件 (學生 / 老師 / 家長的心態),如不改變,徒勞無功。

B     曾聽到有中學語文老師,贊成基準試。
因為他的同行,尸位素餐。我在大學,亦聽不少 - 又唔係自己仔女,佢地越差,我 / 我 d 仔女,越易搵食。

C     我的提議,如以前,小 / 中 / 大學,實行精英教育。但給 半途 drop out 的 2nd chance, 他們踏入社會後,如果想重拾書本,在各方面鼓勵 配合(稅制 / 貸款)。希望學生認識到知識的重要,而且萬事得來不易,不是現在的免費午餐,張口就有。

D     如何改變學界/ 家長 的思維,需要詳細參酌。

A     已講過N次, Z世代,97問題後遺症, 但時代改變, 2000後父母亦有反思能力, 總需要點希望。
B     這一群, 後遺症病例, 時空演變及內在矛盾, 會自然地消失於社會。
C     妳所提議, 絕對可行兼有成功範例, 60s已於美歐實施, 特顯於德國, 星加坡隨之, 現於大馬;此議成功在於
        國家觀念, 才能做得徹底 , 97前港人過客心態兼殖民政府, 短視便自然不過, 97後大局已定, 而愛我香港亦已
        萌生, 假以時日, 此議水到渠成, 結果於2000後。
D     思維改變需自發, 自發孕育於危機, 只要有10年經濟不景, 思维自變 。

相關搜索目錄: 貸款


原帖由 mtpen 於 2010-9-25 21:45 發表

千年封建思想產物, 蟻民莫奈之何, 而民只可以樂成而不可慮始這理念佔領腦袋, 不知何日方可改變!


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-9-26 21:56 發表
南韓與日本有邊界糾紛,南韓都有 guts 對著幹。
咁, 何以咁有guts呢!?
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外星人到訪地球, 地球代表Mazlan Othman第一句說話係講乜呢.....................考起!

UFO 及ALIENS外星人看來已不是吹水, E+聯合國委任這位物理學家代表地球人,
直接間接証實真有其事, 老何選NE單新聞為今年首選, 因其是宇宙性的。

關於UFO, http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2010/08/ufo-are-real-ben-rich-lockheed-skunk.html
內中最頂癮, 當事人非普通人也, 而SKUNK WORK乃生人勿近之地



WHY MPF 明年半自由行要推遲?.............................考起!

老何就媽左先!所說理由, 厚顏無恥。
M錢唔係咁M法, 都要令D客仔條氣順先得!
班契弟諗住Q4埋單升硬, 有得交代, 講過唔算都得, 即係把所有供e者當作豬頸丙,
MPF同老何一D關係都冇, 咁激氣原因, 主事者實在無恥得交關。


相關搜索目錄: 自由行


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-10-3 18:05 發表

真是不明白,香港 d 打工仔,好像唔 知 / 唔 care...

抑或 ah Sue 太 杞人憂天 / 悲觀 ?
妳ne個問題, 留番比M梗論文題目d學生哥去答最合適。

老何一句答妳, 尚未水浸眼眉, 何必嘮叨不休


ne 張 , 王忠昊要好好地活下去!


原帖由 理魯竇 於 2010-10-6 15:26 發表

都係王忠昊入眼. ne個细路太多心事。



MPF, 陰宅, 堆填區, 保險..................

相關搜索目錄: 保險



AnnouncementThe Norwegian Nobel Committee

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2010
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 to
Liu Xiaobo for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has long believed that there is a close connection between human rights and peace.
Such rights are a prerequisite for the “fraternity between nations” of which Alfred Nobel wrote in his will.
Over the past decades, China has achieved economic advances to which history can hardly show any equal.
The country now has the world’s second largest economy; hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty.
Scope for political participation has also broadened.
China’s new status must entail increased responsibility.
China is in breach of several international agreements to which it is a signatory,
as well as of its own provisions concerning political rights.
Article 35 of China’s constitution lays down that “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech,
of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration”. In practice,
these freedoms have proved to be distinctly curtailed for China’s citizens.
For over two decades, Liu Xiaobo has been a strong spokesman for the application of fundamental human rights also in China.
He took part in the Tiananmen protests in 1989; he was a leading author behind Charter 08,
the manifesto of such rights in China which was published on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations’
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10th of December 2008.
The following year, Liu was sentenced to eleven years in prison and two years’ deprivation of political rights for
“inciting subversion of state power”. Liu has consistently maintained that the sentence violates both China’s
own constitution and fundamental human rights.
The campaign to establish universal human rights also in China is being waged by many Chinese,
both in China itself and abroad. Through the severe punishment meted out to him,
Liu has become the foremost symbol of this wide-ranging struggle for human rights in China.
Oslo, October 8, 2010


回復 1195# 的帖子

albert 叔,        good!


上左身?     ...........................考起

牽頭聯署反對劉曉波得獎, 是何心態?

難怪Emmanuel Bellefroid全力反對提名你得諾獎。

Emmanuel Bellefroid和李爽這段由老鄧拍板姻緣不覺30年, 欲知此事的年青版友請自google.



Acceptance Speech*As the Laureate was unable to be present on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1975, the acceptance was read by Elena Bonner Sakharova
Mr. President, honourable members of the Nobel Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am here today because, due to certain strange characteristics of the country whose citizens my husband and I are, my husband's presence at the ceremony of the Nobel peace award turned out to be impossible. Today, in fact, he is not here, but in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, where the scientist Serghey Kovalyev is being tried. Due to those same strange characteristics which made it impossible for Sakharov to be in Oslo, he is at present near the court building, not inside but standing out in the street, in the cold, for the second day, awaiting the sentence against his closest friend.
But in spite of all this, Sakharov believes that the Nobel peace award ceremony - whose name by itself has such a deep symbolic and human meaning - must take place and the words which he meant to say here should also be heard. This is the reason why he asked me to read to you his address.
I am very grateful and very proud. I am proud to see my name placed together with the names of many outstanding people, among them Albert Schweitzer.
Thirty years ago nothing but ruins were left of half of my country and half of Europe. Millions of people mourned and still continue to mourn their dear ones. For all those who went through the experience of the most terrible war in history, World War II, the conception of war as the worst catastrophe and evil for all mankind has become not only an abstract idea but a deep personal feeling, the basis for one's entire outlook on the world. To keep one's self-respect, one must therefore act in accordance with the general human longing for peace, for true dmtente, for genuine disarmament. This is the reason why I am so deeply moved by your appreciation of my activity as a contribution to peace. But what made me particularly happy was to see that the Committee's decision stressed the link between defense of peace and defense of human rights, emphasising that the defense of human rights guarantees a solid ground for genuine long-term international cooperation. Not only did you thus explain the meaning of my activity, but also granted it a powerful support. Granting the award to a person who defends political and civil rights against illegal and arbitrary actions means an affirmation of principles which play such an important role in determining the future of mankind. For hundreds of people, known or unknown to me, many of whom pay a high price for the defense of these same principles (the price being loss of freedom, unemployment, poverty, persecution, exile from one's country) your decision was a great personal joy and a gift. I am aware of all this, but I am also aware of another fact: in the present situation, it is an act of intellectual courage and great equity to grant the award to a man whose ideas do not coincide with official concepts of the leadership of a big and powerful state. This, in fact, is how I value the decision of the Nobel Committee; I also see in it a manifestation of tolerance and of the true spirit of dmtente. I want to hope that even those who at present view your decision sceptically or with irritation some day will come to share this point of view.
The authorities of my country denied me the right to travel to Oslo on the alleged grounds that I am acquainted with state and military secrets. I think that actually it would not have been difficult to solve this security problem in a way acceptable to our authorities, but unfortunately this was not done. I was unable to participate personally in today's ceremony. I thank my friends who live abroad and who honoured me by being my guests here. I had also invited friends from my country, Valentine Turchin, Yury Orlov and two of the most noble defenders of the cause of justice, legality, honour and honesty, Serghey Kovalyev and Andrei Tverdokhlebov, both of whom are at present in jail, awaiting trial. Not only the latter two but none of them could come: in the USSR when it comes to obtaining a permit to travel abroad there is not much difference between their respective situations. Still, I beg you to kindly consider all of them my official guests.
I would like to end my speech expressing the hope in a final victory of the principles of peace and human rights. The best sign that such hope can come true would be a general political amnesty in all the world, liberation of all prisoners of conscience everywhere. The struggle for a general political amnesty is the struggle for the future of mankind.
I am deeply grateful to the Nobel Committee for awarding me the Nobel Peace Prize for 1975, and I beg you to remember that the honour which was thus granted to me is shared by all prisoners of conscience in the Soviet Union and in other Eastern European countries as well as by all those who fight for their liberation.

千萬別離國, 根在神州。

[ 本帖最後由 老何 於 2010-10-12 11:24 編輯 ]


智利總統幾高興, 手持坑下礦工傳來「我地33個very well」訊息, 睇見都開心 ,
老何原想up下, 被明報今日社評講晒, 係咁先!

咦!張德江呢 ............................考起!



今日5中全會4大決議, 其一是撤消康日新的中委職務。康日新問題, 請自google.
康日新, 中核集團總經理, 執引進核電方向取舍大權。

能源, 中國死穴。核電, 逃出生天中的一環!
20年來, 為何不能像核武, 太空科技般自我集中力量破關? 講難度不及前者, 四出搜求, 才有康日新事件。
核能技術, 豈能用錢購買!

下圖, 引進美國Westinghouse核電站(日本東芝擁有), 賣方在培訓中國核電人員。

[ 本帖最後由 老何 於 2010-10-18 19:30 編輯 ]


Westinghouse ne單, 網上公開資料, 睇完諗下好牙煙..............諗深入D.......好........

老何不在港置業, 最大因由是大亞灣, ah sue 話「天」可能會收香港........莫非......
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