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- - - - - - - - - - 錢 錢 錢 - - - - - - - - -

八國聯軍入京, 老美派出USS NEWARK炮轟大沽口

Jun. 10, 1900 — Vice Adm. Sir Edward Seymour, KCB, the senior foreign officer in northern China,
led a force of 2,129 men representing eight nationalities from Tientsin to reopen communications with Peking.
The expedition included 112 American seaman and Marines from the cruiser USS Newark (C 1)
under Captain Bowman H. McCalla. First attacked by Boxers on June 13,
the column was forced to retire four days later after pushing to within 25 miles of Peking


USS Monocacy .
Dressed with flags, in the Pei-Ho River, Tientsin, China, in about 1902


炮轟大沽口, 又點會冇日本呢?






HMS三字, 都唔需UP了.


係NE個, 吞左我們最大塊土地.





NE 個教識我地飲啤酒, 111年後, 只要係 Made in German, 一定好, 付鈔可也。



相關搜索目錄: 啤酒






23880 沽10, 平左23220long5張, 反手沽5.
袋番3300點先, e+淡倉23910x20.


意大利在天津都有左意大利租界, 冇執輸。


[ 本帖最後由 老何 於 2011-2-2 13:58 編輯 ]


上海有法租界, 湛江(廣州灣)都有, 佢就認真好味, 從而D番菜有一味叫......法籣西大菜.


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23918 平左10 張, 瓜水80點.


飛鷹號, 南下護法, 中山先生笑逐顏開。


收爐 HSI 23908 升426 F23955 V326 高水47

虎年虎虎生威, 商場人頭擁擠,
投機人們荷包腫脹, 但望兔年頭腦清涼。


恆指, CRX商品股指數, DOW.
三圖比較, 兔年你/妳會點做!?
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新正頭, 有d咁正儮, 人生樂事!



[ 本帖最後由 老何 於 2011-2-3 12:48 編輯 ]
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23935 平左 23910x10張, 瓜水 250 點...............


[quote]原帖由 liao_marco 於 2011-2-6 19:31 發表
SUE姐, 香港的大學好似沒有氣象專業讀, 因為今個學期有一航海氣象學,

林超英講左一件事,  天文台請主任級職員, 面試30人, 面試題有一,
台方出示中國南方沿海地圖, 考員需指出香港位置, 50%以上唔識答,
悲, 悲, 悲

氣象台, 天文台的分別, 老何估98%會唔知


所以老何話, 挪威對中國友善, 中國在挪威北極圈內惟一氣象站到e+仲招呼週到, 要是d維京人一怒之下,
趕左d Chinese 走, 中國d越洲飛彈, 冇左d氣象data, 彈導點計呢?

下方近底二棗紅色為鰝e站總部, 雷達站籌建中。

[ 本帖最後由 老何 於 2011-2-7 10:32 編輯 ]
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23750 long 15........................


原帖由 mtpen 於 2011-2-7 11:43 發表

呢班海盗邊有死錯人魽I冇jetso會對你咁好招呼喎!          ...

人, 非人也, 獸而矣。
森林定律下, 眾必言利。

世情亦有反例, 在猙獰面目下, 桂香然然。

反例者, 北歐與中國關係。港人眼界局限停留處彈丸之地, 中國對外實況, 一無所知, 難怪!
前曾說及兩則中挪關係事例, 鑽油台及螺旋槳;該文有一事, 老何羞於說及,80s年代初, 中國一貧如洗,
往挪威學習建造鑽油台,來回機票住宿, 是挪威慷慨安排, 往瑞典學習冶金技術, 往芬蘭學習做纸技術,
得到同一待遇, 那時中國距財大而氣粗..........遠矣!

何以北歐國家, 不加入歐元區? 對待東方文化何以與西歐有如斯分別?
結穴於希臘文化, 羅馬文化不同的歷史演進結果, 說來話長, 有興趣的Google Scholar有很多這方面研究。

老何在這裡文字, 涉及他人他國, 必有根據, 何況是對我族的施惠者......如挪威!
得人恩惠千年記, 故紀之。

中國在挪威的氣象站, 挪威所受來自老美,西歐的壓力, 非比尋常。

這10年來, 中挪貿易數字, 不說自明。

相關搜索目錄: 機票
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原帖由 西南風 於 2011-2-7 12:16 發表


東風送來西南風, 久違了!你好


原帖由 suewong 於 2011-2-7 18:29 發表

但以中國人的民族性/ 眼界, 縱有歐美式自由/民主, 都會變質. 菲律賓/泰國, 就是好例子...
中國往何處去 ?
中國人的民族性, 去年RAND作出如下中英澄清 :

Comment on false web postings regarding RAND work on ChinaSeveral online postings containing false information regarding RAND Corporation research have appeared on various websites and blogs produced in China. With titles such as “China will become the poorest country in the world in 2020” and “RAND Corporation’s evaluation of Chinese people,” the online postings contain extremely negative comments about the Chinese people, and attribute those to RAND. RAND has never published the comments or reports cited in the online postings. The online postings do not represent the views of RAND scholars. Portions of these online postings appear to misquote testimony by a RAND associate given in 2005. That testimony is available in full, in both English and Chinese, at: http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/CT244/. A full range of RAND reports regarding China may be found at: http://www.rand.org/hot_topics/china/. Further queries regarding RAND and China may be directed to correspondence@rand.org.

至於該文如何描述中國人品性則如下 :

Chinese lack of integrity and social responsibility.
Chinese people do not understand them as individuals in society should be the state and social responsibilities and obligations.
Ordinary Chinese people usually only care about their families and relatives, Chinese culture is built on family, blood relations rather than on the basis of a rational society. Chinese people only care about the welfare of their immediate family members, not associated with his suffering people are turning a blind eye. There is no doubt that this kind of kinship-based morality will inevitably lead to selfish, callous, selfish and callous that has become an obstacle to forward development of Chinese society, the most important factor.
China has never become a legal society, because the Chinese way of thinking out of tune with the law-abiding behavior. Old Chinese people would like to take shortcuts. They do not understand this fact: that success comes from hard work and sacrifice with. Chinese people tend not to be obtained. They need to understand the principle: life is not the true pedicle how much you request is that you can give to society and how many of your fellow human beings.
Most Chinese people have never learned what is decent and respectable lives meaningful.
Chinese people generally do not know how to the welfare of individuals and the community to carry out productive lives. Subconscious, the Chinese people as their purpose in life is to get other people to raise their awareness. Thus, a person would on the "keep face" so little desire to be satisfied. "Face" is the most basic part of human psychology, it has become difficult for the Chinese people to overcome barriers to the Chinese people to accept the truth and try to meaningful life.
The reprehensible habits of making China born with a ruthless and selfish character, it has become the main reason behind.
Chinese people the courage to pursue what they think is right. First of all, they do not filter right from wrong in the capacity of things, because their thoughts are occupied by greed. Again, even if their ability to filter out the right thing, they lack the courage to put truth into practice.
Chinese, accustomed to cheap and free things, they always dream of a miracle or good luck, because they do not want hard work, they always want something for nothing. Few Chinese people understand the fact that the prestige and success is a step by step through hard work and sacrifice to achieve, do not pay no income. In short, if we are to make a living, that the person only to obtain; but if it is to make a living, one must go to contribute.
As the growth in poor conditions and lack of proper education, most Chinese people do not know how elegant manners and basic courtesy. Most of them do not feel shy dress clumsy foul. When they are young and their education is how to lie and to obtain from others, rather than with others to share their all.
China is a rich country. But the consequences brought about by unrestricted fertility policy making China the unlimited cheap labor exporting countries. The output also includes the output of educated labor, in addition to their educational level, but in reality, and other general coolie no essential difference.
Mass production of cheap products in China reduced the import of these product areas of commercial credit. As the backward technology, management failure, the unit energy consumption in China than in developed countries such as Japan, the United States are much higher. Thus, with the increase of exports, China to expand production while the loss of a valuable source of energy. At the same time, this behavior serious pollution of the environment in which China becomes the world's most uninhabitable country.
China is currently suffering from the evil of torture big capitalist society, that environmental destruction and human loss. As the greedy nature of the Chinese people are born, they can be accepted without reservation the dark side of capitalism that is the endless pursuit of profits, ignored human dignity. Chinese, Western technology and products fanatical pursuit of Quedui Western management culture emphasized frank, direct, honest and indifferent to these qualities.
As the Chinese culture does not encourage risk-taking such good quality, so the Chinese try to avoid risk, they do not want to look for opportunities to improve their lives. For the life of the Chinese sense of balance and not interested in, instead they are more mesmerized by the request for material, this point much better than the Westerners. Most Chinese people find that they do not know how "spirituality", "free faith", and "mental health" of such a concept, because their thoughts can not reach a life (up: the coexistence of physical and spiritual) existence of a higher level . Their thinking is still stuck in the animal instinct to focus on food that point on and the desire of the greedy poor.
In the eyes of the Chinese people, education is not to seek the truth, or to improve the quality of life, but only a symbol of status and prominence, and signs. Chinese intellectuals are distinguished from others because they are not anything to other people's happiness, but only because they get possession of considerable knowledge. In fact, most of them just a bunch of tests but never about just who know the truth and moral patrons.
China's education system has become largely a failure and shame. It is no longer able to serve the educational services of this object should be: the social. The education system can not provide many useful individual to society. It just created a group of opportunists, they are eager to benefit from the advantages provided by the community has no interest in return.
China may be able to train a large number of senior talent, but little can be independent and qualified management-level experts, chaired. Service in a corporate or social, technical skills are not enough; also need courage, courage, honesty and leadership, this is precisely the lack of most Chinese people's character. As Arthur. Smith, a famous Western missionaries a century ago pointed out, Chinese people is not lack of wisdom, but the purity of character, courage and integrity. This evaluation, though after a hundred years, and now still accurately diagnose the cause of SARS in China.
Most Chinese graduates choose to go abroad and not feel guilty for foreign work, in fact, they first owed the Chinese people in education and the sacrifices made for them. With the destruction of traditional culture, values, and gradually weakened, most Chinese people, including educated people are hovering spirit and the inner world of the intersection, like a dog lost as I do not know where to go.

Finally, applying two more representative of SOHU User comments:
China is a big burden on the population, but one day the future will show the great advantage over the Chinese people, Chinese people's cohesion will be at any time, anywhere over any country of robbers. American gangster education brought about disasters to the earth, powerful people in the United

States is the world suffering and fear. - Yinshugongshi197
Rand called on Chinese people's "evaluation" is actually a disguised form of racism, but attacks only, which is a gentle way, making particular mention of the Chinese nation in the evil. However, they are basically saying is true. - Pizarro

就事論事, 實情如是。
若譏作反華論調, 正是文中所指的反証。


相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 chungyong 於 2011-2-7 15:39 發表

HSIF 23590 buy la...
昨下午出外, 晚飯後才回. 大市點行都唔知, 可能走寶了.
昨波幅超過500點, 人為因素明顯, 低陲Y有著數,
上証開市後, 未必因加息而會跌, 銀纸實在太多了。

期指開出23610. 正股開出再作打算。


23520 long 5.................


23440 long 10..................


今早d行山友問, 既然話Q1睇21000, 何以又平淡隋n倉?
正係時看時不看, 時問時唔問, 班大哥炒日線, 老何睇月線,
分別肯定唔同, 月線話左在BBT爭持, 即23000/24500上落,
過去3個月如是, 2月可能有變, 圖表形勢似爆上, 但高位派貨
亦有可能, 老何買後者, 昨23750X15, 是看今月點都要上穿
BBT23810/24500才有人接貨後才先散水, 用4個月派貨,去年炒上的
利錢便穩袋了, 托住5號便跌唔落, 睇住5號動向是2月的出入指標。
老何D港股, 去年11月至今都走左9成, 玩期指, 猜迷遊戲而矣!

P.S. 23560走左15張, 瓜水720點, E+好倉23608X15.




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