原帖由 MakiGoto. 於 2011-4-22 16:12 發表
track 4 already in PCM-M10 ..................
感動..................... ...
yes, 我認為喜歡搖滾音樂, 呢隻碟係必聽, 果種Latin Rock既原始味, 同Psychedelic Rock既狂野味道,
融合得好出色, 令人有熱血沸騰既感覺, 除左結他, 敲擊同小號既吹奏都唔少野.
Santana is the third studio album by Santana. The band's second self-titled album, it is often referred to as III to distinguish it from the band's 1969 debut album. The album was also known as Man with an Outstretched Hand. It was the third and last album by the Woodstock-era lineup, and it was also considered by many to be the band's peak commercially and musically, as subsequent releases aimed towards more experimental jazz and Latin music. The album featured two singles, "Everybody's Everything" (solo by Neal Schon), which hit #12 in October 1971, and "No One To Depend On" (again with solo by Schon), a staple in FM radio. This is the first album to feature 17-year-old Neal Schon on guitar. In 1972 he and Gregg Rolie left the band to form Journey.