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For me, whenever a BG said she kind of likes me.... I ran away.... I didn't want to get involve in any relationship until last week....
I found a nice BG in Shanghai, nothing happened that night, and I am not sure anything will happen later.  But it is a funny feeling, OMG.


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-12-12 11:58 發表
May I suggest a few things:
1)Never let her know any details about yourself apart from your last name,use a fake/artistic one,such as Peter,John,Kwok-Keung,Kwok-wah...etc;
2)Never let your dick(desi ...
Thank you, man.  1 and 2 are goodpoints.  Point 3 is a bit tricky for me. The one I love keeps a distantfrom me (like 10+ time zones away). The one that is waiting for me hurt mebadly in the past and I don't think I could get back to the relationship. Sothere you go. I am constantly looking for some fun but afraid to get into anyserious relationship again.
I don't wantto hurt anyone, nor to be hurt. So I constantly run away from gals who saidthey like me…




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