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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

is the pretty bg who is pretty and quit angel?  do you know where she went?  i tried her and she was good


Actually tried her more than once
Angel is quite petite and very pretty.  She is definitely one of the prettiest local bg I have ever met.  Her part 1 is pretty good though not as powerful as some of the others.  Part 2 was good too.  Too bad she is no longer there.  I really would like to mark her again.  Another bg told me she didn't quit.  Was asked to leave since she took too many vacations and was lazy.  If you know where she went, please share with us.


Actually tried her more than once
Angel is quite petite and very pretty.  She is definitely one of the prettiest local bg I have ever met.  Her part 1 is pretty good though not as powerful as some of the others.  Part 2 was good too.  Too bad she is no longer there.  I really would like to mark her again.  Another bg told me she didn't quit.  Was asked to leave since she took too many vacations and was lazy.  If you know where she went, please share with us.


Tried another one called Suki.  Part 1 very good.  But she is quite chubby and face also only so so.  She mentioned that she is leaving so not sure if this helps at all.


What do you mean by conservative?  I have been there many times and most are quite "open".  Which one did you try?


Part 2 is automatic but I am a frequent customer so am not sure if they treat new customers differently.  Need to remember though that there are some BGs there who are just "pure" massage and no part 2.


One of the big reasons why I keep going to Rainbow is because of the good service and the decent quality local BGs.  In HK, it is so difficult to find good local gals, i.e. born and raised here as opposed to those who moved here for a couple years and have a HK ID.  Granted, the Rainbow BGs are on the older side (doubt you will find many in their 20's), many of them are real local gals.  Combine local BGs with good service and good bone skills, this is the best sauna for me in HK right now.


how many times have you visited her?  i think once you become a regular, they will of course recognize you.  but for the BGs, their good customers would go several times a week and there are many customers like that


my guess is for a new customer, at least 4-5 times within a month?  i go several times a week.  these things are all relative.  for the BGs, they serve 3-5 customers a day.  if they haven't seen you within the last 4-5 days, to them, it is not the recent past anymore and they won't remember (unless you are a regular customer).  if you were them, you would focus your attention on the most frequent customers also and that means several times a week.  once you get to know them well as a regular customer, then I don't think they will forget


Just started to open today


回復 699# 的帖子

I think only some are back.  Pretty quiet though.


I think most open big as well and definitely over half.  But certainly not all will open big.  Actually some will not even HJ and are vegi only.

There is still an Ada there.  I have not tried her but someone mentioned her name the other day.


回復 904# 的帖子

it's two separate saunas, genius  


Rainbow actually has "pure" bg as well and I think how much they "open" up is all a matter of their personal preference (or your attractiveness!).


I am surprised that she is not able to attract and/or retain customers.  The "pure" ones that I am aware of in Rainbow have been there for 2+ years and do reasonable business (though not as many turns as plane bgs).


Yes, about 2-3 on average.  But isn't this similar to 4-5 turns at big "pure" sauna and so similar income?


they always have 10+2 packages for sale.  he is talking about 10+4 which they sell around end of year.  much better deal


of course they should discriminate against new faces for the safety of the bgs and other customers!  why would they not?  wouldn't you be worried if they offer service to every first time customers?  just go again and visit the same gal.  i don't think it is necessarily determined by the gal and that it is often under the "advice" of management there.  even better is to go with a regular.


pure bone is the same price.  what you got was the after 11pm special price


I go several times a week and i told you pure bone is the same price.  what more confirmation do you need?  if you don't believe it, go and see for yourself


I am not sure hinting or asking will help you.  On your first attempt, it is a bit of a lucky draw.  I am also not sure hinting at the BG will help.  My understanding is when they don't do part 2, it is usually because the management thinks the customer is suspicious and so have instructed the BG to be pure only.  I doubt hinting or asking the BG will change that.  For non-new face customers, part 2 is standard though there are a few BGs that are pure only.  And for those, they normally don't take off your pants at the beginning.


Is it 5?  I thought just 3 per bg and anymore would require approval from manager


yes, Fion is still the same one as 2 years ago.  she is one of the best for pure massage that i have ever tried in Rainbow or any other places


meaning part 1


I am 100% positive that Fion has been there for over 2 years.  super might have her mixed up with someone else.  Have you visited Fion recently?
To each their own but, for me, her "dup" skill is definitely above average to very good.  And if you think she is only so-so, I would like to know who your other service providers are since their standards must be pretty amazing!


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