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 30 12

------ Hong Kong 點 滴 --------

回復 447# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: Have you seen SK when you returned to Hong Kong? I think at that time it was not easy to be there I mean SID or rather SMD. So that's why I worried about how you could be a member with them playing with those small circles, since you were quite individual without any mutual habits. SK would also scratch his head when dealing with them. The tipping was hardly to keep usually used as social expenses, so after hours or even within 9-5, SID working might longer work hours. They would do what they like mentioned above hobbies! Please do tell your exciting story. I'll be waiting


回復 449# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: It really was a hard job, how came it be. The work nature like "工兵" in military term. Dangerous with extreme weather and terrain conditions. I knew pole erecting so well since I had learnt from telephone school's courses. It need to dig a hole 1m depth, and climb up sure without ladder just like a monkey. Of course no banana for reward. I had seen many times those guys climbing pole, you should be very fit in physical. We were need to spot the locations where subscribers were unable to serve without poles, that our job needed find the location on the map and oversee the circumstance to see the possibility to provide land line for the subscriber. Then we processed a map marked all details and sent to the unit where subscriber belonged to. The unit then sent instruction "Order" to SID to follow up. Another section "External Planning" will reconsider if our proposal was not satisfied safety, overhead high tension crossing, poles not allowed erect on private land etc., So, how long did it last?


回復 451# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: After reading your time at erecting poles, I feel comfortable that you had only worked not too long time. At that time, HKTCL was well established compare with other utility companies. Good training, good safety records. Seldom heard or announce by company of any casualties due to their employees were very young with good physical, senior colleagues with adequate trade experience. Nowadays work safety standards of course not acceptable the way you climbing poles like a stunt man. I agree with you that your physical fitness was benefited from pole climbing and erecting. You may know pole marching is one part of many countries physical training. Ha Ha? I had one time in the field at Yuen Long was bitten by a dog, luckily I wore a Levis thick enough to prevent the bite. Didn't take rabies shot!!! Our job needed go everywhere one man only without partners, no cell phone, pager etc., Robbery happened on few colleagues in city.Potential dangers were anticipated.

相關搜索目錄: Dog


回復 453# 的帖子

Dear Pen Hing: You are right, such outdoor jobs were not so adventurous. It needed to give a time frame to consider when to stop. I can imagine works on the 7-storey estate. guys should have very good skill on ceiling and high level wiring works. I am sure you had taught in your training from the lecturer whom knew very much dealing with bad environments. Usually SID/SMD were ask for ladders rather self provided, so ladders were any kinds could fulfil the jobs. Very lucky casualties were seldom happened for God blessing us that's we can here to chat. More precisely blood, sweat, sweet and tear!!!


回復 574# 的帖子

Marco Hing: 我都有部SONY出嘅應急收音機有電筒及後備鋰電, 平時用2粒AA. 朋友响日本帶來的. 有關災難時通訊, 香港業餘無線電團體好像也有和外國團體交流危急通訊處理, 因他們每年有辨很多山頭遠程通訊很有經驗, 這方面問題不大, 他們約有十多幾 Repeater 中繼站, 港九, 新界, 離島都可覆蓋, 而私人也可用免牌照 409 MH器材作短距離聯系,


 30 12


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