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6 Tantric Massage

6 Tantric Massage


因為Daily Spa 個質素一直下跌,實在not VFM。於是早兩日又上網做功課搵下新洁C

心痕又用tantric massage 做searching,最後搵左呢間。


價錢:$3200 for 90 mins. 係,你無睇錯,係$3200,呢度見我出得post多鴷S弟都知,我愛冒險。
主持人: 自問英文一般的兄弟會有困難,因為要全英對答。但態度真係really nice,佢都好老實,你問佢囡囡資料,佢會不停用SMS講明身型年紀同selling point。明碼實價。
地點: outcall 性質,我選左間好D鵅A價錢$4XX for 3 hrs。
囡囡資料:北北,報稱22才(應該差唔多),第一眼係見到吊帶短裙high heel 已經turn me on,高約5呎7,talkative,figure好靚,athletic身型,腰幼hip大上圍medium有34C左右(仲見到肋骨果隻),全天然吸手,形靚好啜。
囡囡面型尖尖,姣樣得來都幾似鍾麗堤同舒琪,厚嘴唇sexy look,除左皮膚係tan左D之外,overall真係飲得杯落。如果佢晚晚堔峓盚j離真係唔得掂。
服務:頭60mins做推油,比上次果個好好多,真係按得唔錯,有力亦位準。之後正場 service做足,唯一扣分係早段佢有D dry,而小弟弟又做得耐左,可能佢唔係咁舒服,不大投入,但佢都儘量keep 住笑容。之後佢開始來料,水到細佬自然直。反啅:主持人話仲有其他選擇,試完其他先算。

source: 唔好PM我問地址電話,睇heading自己search下,要食好洢Y要做下功課謘C

[ 本帖最後由 webhunter 於 2012-10-30 11:49 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA 廣告 功課
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原帖由 itplay 於 2012-10-30 05:02 PM 發表 請問4xx or 4,xxx for 3hr3hr=3 x 60min or 3 x 45minThanks

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


原帖由 bbfacehk 於 2012-10-30 05:26 PM 發表 thanks for sharing!how about other expensive spa? quality also drop and drop? heard that many beautiful local, true?
Sorry brother.  I dun know which one you are referring to?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2012-10-30 06:01 PM 發表 I tried Tantric b4 but a lot cheaper. Forgot, like 1000?+500 (girl strip). The girl was decent but not too different from a good BG at those ~6-800 (depending on tip) upstairs spa.But 3200 .. wah  ...
I also tried these tantric b4, like the link I post above.  I agree that no big difference as compared with the upstairs spa.

I can't guarantee that the experience I got would also happen to you.  You know, different guys would have different taste on women.  For myself, that gal I just rated 80/100.  And i just brought the heart of exploration.  No expectation carries no disappointment.

Indeed, I also have contacts with other gals (from sauna or high clock locals) and some of them are now "friends" with me.  Occasional drinking or fine dinning with them would bring you more closer with them.  And finally you will get more than you pay.  You should know what I say brother.

Anyway, thanks for your trust, though I seldom write report in this forum.

[ 本帖最後由 webhunter 於 2012-10-30 20:48 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 7# 的帖子

I haven't tried wonder spa.  I believe the quality of these spas will alike daily spa.Win, Pls tell us how she robbed u.  From the photos, I just think that the stated numbers of her body figure are "inaccurate" - she should be a fat lady.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-10-30 21:34 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2012-10-30 09:35 PM 發表 xocat 版規規定不可寫廣告網结連故刪去
sorry, forget this rule.

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 dssdsdwsdw 於 2012-10-30 09:54 PM 發表 S.I.X. tantric massage I think is the best quality of girls in HK. Always I will do 3 sessions rather than 2 sessions
3 sessions = 120 mins =3900?

Seems that brother u r regular customer.  Any good recommendation? (Last time I tried noel)



原帖由 Oldman 於 2012-11-1 07:02 PM 發表 your choice is Tandem Naturist , right ?
Brother old man,

No, tandem naturist means 2 gals serve you by 4 hands.
I tried wild six .


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2012-11-6 04:54 PM 發表 I will not report name of masseur for sake of the girl ... esp when it is clear she tried her best ...but I had an average experience for a very above average price (i even chose 2h 3900 package). ...
Sorry to hear this bad news.  Hope u can taste good gal next time.


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2012-11-7 11:48 AM 發表
I guess I need to talk to keeper more. Perhaps it is no different from going to say a big sauna like Indulgence or Rainbow. You just walk-in and not talk to manageress much. You'll get the girls who t ...
Yup, that's why I have communicated with that guy for minutes (e.g. age, figure, services ...)


近日再落daily spa, 質素比之前更差, 實無法接受咁嚜钂食鑨鼣, 已delete contact.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 Oldman 於 2012-11-15 07:44 PM 發表 差左咁多呀!


原帖由 bigdog173 於 2012-11-16 10:36 AM 發表 So many similar spas these days - a lot of reports on 1x1.com of 'locals' with v comprehensive service ... maybe that is why? The girls at daily b4 did not like the manageress/owner also ... always ta ...
Yup, u r right.


原帖由 andrew2005 於 2012-12-15 08:39 PM 發表 try a local HK girl this week.  I think early of 20 la.  Not very beautiful but cute and lovely.  gf feel.  But very very expenses 3.2K.  Want to try again but......too expensive for me.
Brother Andrew, which HK gal u tried?




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