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原帖由 郭政鴻 於 2008-2-19 01:06 發表
去桑拿時, 到第二part,個BG興起時唔同袋同你bj,大家會唔會試??
Why not? I would.


原帖由 gjk 於 2008-2-19 02:49 發表
This is very dangerous as you may not know how many brothers has the BG blow within the same day.  As far as I know, some popular BG will have BJ with 6 brothers a day.Think carefully!
More than 6 la. But using dom dom is so uncomfortable.


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:04 發表
141 in commerical area are all 用套吹
they are all well educated. some even do business selectively
those not  用套吹 are old chit , or even ill chic, be careful bros. or those without education
In HK, maybe true. In China, most don't use dom dom for BJ and they are very young.


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:06 發表
I know some did over 10 a day , one by one without stop, but still very tight, miracle, and radio to me
Yes, but chance of catching AIDS via BJ is low. I agree ML need to use dom dom 100%!


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:08 發表
yes, I will only ML with my gf with dom
GF - no need if you trust them. But playing outside, use dom dom during ML for safety. I usually don't use dom dom for BJ.


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:12 發表
Of course those I wholly trusted, like one worked as sales, nearly goto work a whole day , mon to sun, how can she goto make love with others
If she has time to ML with you, she has time to ML with others?


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:16 發表
no way, every night I will give her a call
she is a kind of navie & clean-minded girl, her heart is only on muy side, byt my heart...
You are a sweet guy to have a nice and "naive" (innocent) GF!


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:19 發表
but I was really guity, as she is only one small tree in the forest
I know. Just like one of my friends who is a charmer. One different GF a night!


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:21 發表
yes, i appreciate him
tomorrow I will goto macau 'open meal'
He is extremely rich. Retired at 38.


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:24 發表
do what? or father left to him?
Self-made. He is a "sampan" guy (corporate finance). He now owns @10 properties in HK and a lot of cash. He has 3 sports cars for GF (only 1 can seat 4 people)! Anyway, very active in all the cocktailparties  and opening/launch ceremonies, Everynight in HK, there is bound to be an event to attend! Endless supply of young models!


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:32 發表
had money had talk, no money no talk
this is the real world
in girls eyes, he is a gold mine, of course follow him, even ml without dom is ok la, I know some will make hole at dom, give him ...
He is quite good looking so it helps too! He is a gold mine for sure. Many of his GFs are under 20!


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2008-3-6 22:32 發表
had money had talk, no money no talk
this is the real world
in girls eyes, he is a gold mine, of course follow him, even ml without dom is ok la, I know some will make hole at dom, give him ...
On the other hand, he is an expert in CP/CA too. Will go at least once a week.




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