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[疑難] 東莞長安之旅的安排--急問

If you have a whole day and night, it would be a good idea to bring her to Cheung An Park first, after you take her up the hill/stairs, she would be a little bit tired. Take her to the lake and Row Row Row a boat, During the walk in the park, you can hold her hand and walk hand in hand.
During the boating, you can have her sit in front of you, not face to face.You can imagine how romantic it is !

After the walk and boating, you would feel tired, then having a spa is nice.

After the spa, which she would be dressed only with the bath robe, and relaxed. Having push oil in the same room, you can peep her whole naked body. This will push her 1 step forward.

Then go back to hotel for the final part !!!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


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