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My experience in some GZ Sauna (sorry, don’t have Chinese input in the machine)

My experience in some GZ Sauna (sorry, don’t have Chinese input in the machine)

Hi, all. It’s my first time to be here and first time write article. I’m from Guangzhou. Hope it can provide some useful information for all the brothers.

1. Tai Yan Ge Sauna
    Location: Changti, near pearl river bank and yan jiang road.
    Service: BJ+ML
    Prices: RMB98 (room) + RMB200 (service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free drink
  - Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection (remember to change the girls until the one you really like)
  -Massage (just for the girl introducing the service to you and eagerly persuading you to try the service, most of the girls hear don’t know how to massage at all.)
  -Service (BJ+ML)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is OK.
  -Some girls may be old (about 28-32)
  -Room is dark
  -Some girls are good at service but some are not just making BJ and ML in a rush for making money.

2. San Mao Sauna
    Location: Huan Shi Dong Road, Just behind Garden Hotel.
    Service: Massage+MY+BH+BM(no ML here)
    Prices: RMB128 (room) + RMB 100 (service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free food and drink
  -Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection (you may tell BZ what kind of girls you like and she may arrange for you, remember to change the girls until the one you really like)
  -Massage (most girls will make massage first and introduce the service to you and ask you to try.)
  -Service (first MY, then BH, then BM with MM, finally make you shoot, some girls may DL and allow you to shoot in her mouth.)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is good.
  -Food is not bad
  -There are big rooms and small rooms. The ones on the right when you enter the massage area are the big rooms.
  -The girls here are not bad. Some are quite beautiful and open.
  -Some girls are quite good at service and can make you quite comfortable.
  -Shuang Fei (2 girls) is available here. Total expense for Shuang Fei is RMB 400.

3. Zhu Hai Te Qu Hotel Sauna
    Location: Hai Zhu Road, near Si Men Kou metro station
    Service: BJ+ML
    Prices: RMB138 (room) + RMB 200 (service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free drink
  -Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection (not many girls for option)
  -Massage (the girls don’t know massage and just talk to you about the service and push you to try)
  -Service (BJ and ML, not mush special)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is small.
  -The room is small
  -Not many girls for option. The girls are not so high quality. (I’ve tried one from Hubei, not too bad with big MM)
  -Not much special technique in the service, just BJ and ML.
  -A free food massage is available here.

4. Mei Yi Hotel Sauna
    Location: Jie Fang Road, near Hui Fu road, 6th Floor in Mei Yi Hotel
    Service: BJ+ML
    Prices: RMB98 (room) + RMB 200 (service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free drink
  -Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection (some girls are not for the special service, be sure to tell BZ about this and ask her to arrange)
  -Massage (the girls will make a short massage first and introduce the service to you and ask you to try)
  -Service (BJ and ML)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is OK.
  -The room is dark
  -Some girls are fairly good and some girls can speak fluent Cantonese. (I’ve tried one quite pretty not very tall)
  -Some girls are quite devoted in the service and make you feel good (just BJ and ML).

5. Jing Xing Hotel Sauna
    Location: Lin He Xi Road, near East Train Station
    Service: HJ/BJ+ML
    Prices: RMB168 (room) + RMB100 (HJ)/RMB400 (BJ+MLservice) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free food and drink
  -Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection
  -Massage (the girls will make a short massage first and introduce the service to you and ask you to try)
  -Service (HJ or BJ and ML)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is good.
  -The room is not small
  -The girls are fairly good (I’ve tried one was beautify like Sammy)
  -The girls are quite open and make you feel good.
  -RMB 400 for just BJ and ML is quite expensive.

6. Ri Hang Hotel Sauna
    Location: near Jun Ti Yuan and Jing Xing Hotel
    Service: HJ/BJ+ML
    Prices: RMB138 (room) + RMB100 (HJ)/RMB400 (BJ+MLservice) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free food and drink
  -Bath and go to room
  -Girls come for selection
  -Massage (the girls will make a full massage first and introduce the service to you and ask you to try)
  -Service (HJ or BJ and ML)
  -Go out and take another bath and paid out.
  -Bathing place is good.
  -The room is not small
  -The girls are not so good (I’ve tried one aged about 29)
  -The girls are quite open and make you feel good.
  -RMB 400 for just BJ and ML is quite expensive.

7. Hui Li Sauna
    Location: Si Hua Road
    Service: BH+MY+DL (special service is available only after 9pm)
    Prices: RMB88 (room) + RMB200 (service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free food and drink
-Bath and go to room
-Girls come for selection
-Massage (the girls will make a short massage first and introduce the service to you and ask you to try)
-Service (BH+MY+DL)
-Go out and take another bath and paid out.
-Bathing place is OK.
-The room is small and dark.
-Some girls are good and open.
-Some girls’ technique is very good and devoted to the full set service.

8. Mei Jia Hua Sauna
    Location: Ji Chang Road, near Jian Fa Guang Chang
    Service: HJ (handjob)
    Prices: RMB98 (sauna and room and service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free food and drink
-Bath and go to room
-Girls come for selection (you may tell BZ what kind of girl you like and ask her to arrange)
-Massage (the girls will make a full massage)
-Service (HJ)
-Go out and take another bath and paid out.
-Bathing place is good.
-The room is dark but not too small.
-There are many girls for option and some of them are quite beautiful with good body.
-Don’t have special service here. Just HJ for plane.

9. Global Link Hotel Sauna
    Location: Yue Xiu Zhong Road, near Provincial Museum
    Service: HJ (handjob)
    Prices: RMB168 (sauna and room) + RMB 100 (service)
    Food and Drink: Free drink
-Bath and go to room
-Girls come for selection
-Massage (the girls will make a full massage)
-Service (HJ)
-Go out and take another bath and paid out.
-Bathing place is good.
-The room is clear and big.
-Only about 10 girls for option and most of the girls are not so good both in face and body
-Some girls are good at massage.
-Don’t have special service here. Just HJ for plane.

10. Long Quan Sauna
    Location: Ji Chang Road, near Mei Jia Hua Sauna
    Service: HJ (handjob)
    Prices: RMB98 (sauna and room and service) + RMB10 (Sauna Clothing)
    Food and Drink: Free drink
-Bath and go to room
-Girls come for selection
-Massage (the girls will make a full massage)
-Service (HJ)
-Go out and take another bath and paid out.
-Bathing place is OK.
-The room is dark but is big.
-The girls are not some good.
-Most girls are not good at massage.
-Don’t have special service here. Just HJ for plane.

Hope the above information can be useful for the brothers. If any brother has any enquiry, just send me message.
Tasting the life!


原帖由 gz-bird 於 2007-2-26 14:51 發表
Hi, all. It’s my first time to be here and first time write article. I’m from Guangzhou. Hope it can provide some useful information for all the brothers.
#8 and #10 seem cheap for HJ (under $100)?? Also, what is meaning of MY and BH? I know BJ, DL, ML etc.


Thanks for your information.
But I want to know what is the extra charge for ML?


回復 #2 peninsula 的帖子

MY - 漫游
BH - 冰火

sorry for the confusion.
Tasting the life!


回復 #3 coke818 的帖子

not all the sauna have the service of ML...which one you like to further know...?
Tasting the life!


原帖由 gz-bird 於 2007-2-26 16:58 發表
MY - 漫游
BH - 冰火
sorry for the confusion.
Thanks. Really $100 for HJ at #8 and #10?


回復 #6 peninsula 的帖子

Yeah...it's true...RMB 98 has included the Hand Job (Plane) service...Mei Jia Hua is better than Long Quan as there are more high-quality girls.
Tasting the life!


原帖由 gz-bird 於 2007-2-26 16:58 發表
MY - 漫游, BH - 冰火 ; sorry for the confusion.
Bros GZ-Brid, if you'd translated them into Chinese is much better! Would you mind ?
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


Tried Mei Jia Hua before, so many people even at around 3 am. Some of the bg seem to be good.
For my experience,  massage part is quite bad, at second part the bg always ask me to shoot quickly:|


回復 #8 SMUmbrella 的帖子

OK.I will make the chinese version after I go back to home as the machine I m using does not have chinese input....
Tasting the life!


Too bad, I'm in GZ now and can't quite make out the location.  And I've to leave tmr morning.

Where is Ji Chang Lu?  What is Jian Fa Guang Chang (广场)?


回復 #11 Thor 的帖子

Tasting the life!


原帖由 gz-bird 於 2007-2-27 19:59 發表
Many Thanks, Bros GZ-Bird!

鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!





原帖由 廣州新仔 於 2007-2-27 20:26 發表
Seems good wor!




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