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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 15:43 發表
I think there is no problem at all for reserving 2 trainees for our mission. Anyway, I'll try to make some prior arrangement this Thursday.
Need to rely on you la. You are now a much more regular customer than me. However, I do know the big boss (Mr. Chan) quite well.
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 15:50 發表
I don't know any senior management over there........ and I am just an ordinary chicken worm attaching there.
The boss used to be there often when HL first opened so I have his name card and chatted many times whenever he was there.
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 16:07 發表
好一條深資 HL 雞蟲!
Correct, I am just 深資 there as I have been customer since grand opening. But you are 深資 in all areas wor, including HK's 141 and massage parlours etc.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 16:19 發表
Frankly speaking, I have spent quite some money to get the title of "Experienced Chicken Worm", the "ECW".
Hooray to ECW!!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 16:27 發表
When visiting HL, who will you give the booking quota?
What do you mean?
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 16:35 發表
Every captain have to bear some booking order....... if not enough, there will  be penalty of their non-performance.
For every booking, they can get $10 (?) as reward.
I normally make the ...
Really? I don't know this until now. Usually, only the BGs have quota to meet.
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-3 16:43 發表
You are too senior to know the operation details of the lower rank staff la.........
I have much to learn.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-3 21:17 發表
That is the commission for them (even the manageress) if they meet the quota.  If they fail to reach the quota, there will be a penalty to be paid equal to the difference from the quota (or you ...
OK - will book first then!


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 09:34 發表
and captain sung is quite OK.........
She is OK but Lisa is more "hau"!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 10:32 發表
"Hau" enough for a friendly match?
Actually, she is OK if you like mid age female.
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 11:05 發表
I must make the attempt for thisopportunity then........
Have you been served by Lisa before?


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 11:09 發表
Never............. and I am hunger for the chance. What about you?
Many times la but not in recent weeks.
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 14:25 發表
What is the cost I should bear if I want to try?
She served me at the reception area, not inside room!


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 15:53 發表
OIC............. Lisa was the first managress serving me when I walked in for the very first time.........
Yes. She is very friendly!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-4 16:26 發表
Right.......... and that's fate. I lost her name card after the first visit. When I went again I met Sung. Then our friendship began................
Let you know her no. by PM, OK?


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-4 17:11 發表
I know all.  She recalled you "Mr. Cheng"" several times when I chatted with her!!!
Brother, you have already  inside her heart!!!!
Have you eve ...
But Mr. Cheng is too smart to SINK!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-9-4 17:15 發表
Being a CRROM for a long period of time, I still haven't tried saving any girl in China.  Having done a lot of information collection for this HL SN, I'm planning to go there for my first time in C ...
Very safe. We have been there over 50 times combined. Want to join Mr. Cheng and I next week?
原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-9-4 17:23 發表
Sounds very interesting to me.  But it depends on time as I need to "Steal-Jump".  One thing I want to further clarify, is it the one located near a MTR station and inside a hotel?
Near to the first station after Lowu (Guo Mao). $15 by taxi from Lowu. It is inside a 2/3 star hotel.


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-5 08:19 發表
If that is so, I have to arrange 3 trainees on next Wednesday la...............
At least 3 to 4 la so even if only 2 of us go, there will be choice!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-5 09:03 發表
I'll make the request to your Lisa on this tomorrow afternoon!
Or Captain Sung is OK too!


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-5 09:44 發表
May be I'll go today........... as my frtiend suddelly changed the plan that he won't go with me tomorrow la.........
Wait for your report and I have sent Lisa's number to you via PM.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-5 23:06 發表
One above the 4th floor, understand!!!!!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-6 09:54 發表
Just a combination of *! & !*
The situation is quite uncontrol but enjoyable with 2 MM.  You know what I mean!!!!!
Waiting for your report. What is !* like?


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-6 09:26 發表
Bro. Pen,
Sung has agreed to try her best to reserve trainees for us as long as they are available..............
Are you ready?
I am ready! Any trainees yesterday?


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-6 10:16 發表
*! in 3P game = excited and exhaustive!
But "smoking" mouth is no good!


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。


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