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青岛 SN 1+1 = 2.5

原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-3-17 16:22 發表

这是我的第一次 1+1.。。。
could not believe it is the 1st 1+1 for Hai gor   You lost your virginity..  ..

Next time, you should try 2+2, i.e. 2M and 2F.  Remember V and I tried this at TD last time when we went together before CNY?    We had 3+3 and 4+4 in respective occasions and the experiences are just amazing and erotic.  Imagine you are hearing the mourning from your girls and 3 other pairs and the visual impact of other pairs working...    of course, you have to find trustworthy partners, which are difficult to find..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-3-18 11:39 發表

and try to ask if they could be ok without changing domdom.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-20 18:01 發表
yes, when I come back, there  is a pair of cousins waiting for me in Golden Supreme !! 1 is a very nice and pretty girl, the othere 1 is a fatty with a huge pair of boots. " Like buy  BBQ pork ...
in fact, it is good to have a pair with different spec and characters.  I had tried some 2 x 2 and when the female pairs are different, the atmosphere is in fact quite good..  One could be wild and one could be shy, one could be slimmer and another could be chubby (but bigger bxxbs).  

相關搜索目錄: BBQ




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