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CWB 海怡桑拿

日更舊人128仍在, 仍是好choice.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


原帖由 phantomman 於 2009-11-30 11:09 發表

Well, I could see that she got very little work done, very few guests wanted her service,
presumably she had gone somewhere for more work.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Tonight I bumped into a bg from Sea Crest Sauna (the sauna of this thread).
In the platform area of an MTR station, a girl smiled slightly to me more than once from a distance. I had no idea who she could be
and as I approached her, I asked her to identify me. She turned out to be the no. 38 of 2003/4, and
she is now back at Sea Crest as no 108.

We chatted for a little while about the good days of Sea Crest before we parted.

The good days there and then (in 03/04),
when 28, 36, 29, etc were sometimes called the 'little flowers' there;
when my best favourite (vegi bg) was 36;
when the East Lake Sauna (the East Lake in Wanchai, not the subsequent East Lake in MK, mind you) girls had not yet joined in;
when the first argument ever on this sauna in the xocat sauna forum arose
over whether it was appropriate to reveal openly numbers of those bgs who gave VAS;

Incidentally I think of the good old days, the golden age (2002-2004), of this forum itself,
when there were many more active members than now,
when the active members were still in broad agreement over most issues
and would 'agree to differ' on those few where they were in disagreement,
in 'tacit understanding';
when this forum had, in my view, the most comprehensive coverage of
'worthwhile saunas' in the field (excepting upstairs massage shops/spas which were not common then).
ranging from high-end saunas like Kobe, Golden to midprice ones like Sunny Island, LukToLok to cheap but still/barely
acceptable joints like TakBo, etc,
when this forum encompassed both broadly vegi saunas like Oriental Palm Spring and Sea Crest and those with different types of
'special services'.................................................................................................................

those were the days...................

I sigh, nolstalgically.

P.S. In telling my brief encounter/reunion with the current 108 mentioned above, I think
I have not violated too much, if any, of her privacy,
save her previous number and previous years of service at Sea Crest,
and the sheer  trivial fact of her being on the MTR tonight.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-14 13:16 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.




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