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[®á®³¯D«Ç] ®ö²^²ï®á®³ (Sauna Lotto)

­ì©«¥Ñ 9ball ©ó 2008-3-23 19:20 µoªí

What you descirbed. Is it so-called VAS ??
You mean you have just tried her and got what I described?


°£¤F1/2, 3/4, «e¦C½uÅ@²z¡A§Ú¦b¦¹³õ¸gÅç¹Lªº¡A¦³§Þ®v°e§Ú¥X¥h©ì¤â(¨ä¹ê¦bÂN³õ³o¨Ã«D¨u¨£¡A¥u¬O¦b¨«´Y¦o¤@¨£¨ä¥L¤H·|ÁY¤â), ¦b©Ð¤º¾Ö©ê¡B»´§k­±ÀU¡Bdup dup ¤U­I±q«á°½§k¦ÕÀV¡B°Ûºqµ¹§ÚÅ¥¡Bºqµü²¢»e¦a§ï¬°¡u...§ÚX±z¡v¡B±À¯Ý®É¥[°e¡uªi»æ¿}¡v©Î·¥ªñ¯xÂ÷¾vÀV­»(¤×¨ä¬O¦³­»¤ô)(³o¨Ç¦bÂN³õ«hÃø±o¡A¦Ó§Ú¤]¬O¥D­n¦b¥h¦~ÅéÅç³o¨Ç¡A¤µ¦~¬Æ¤Ö¤F). ¦³®É©M¤k¥D¥ô½Í°_¡A¦o³£ª¾³o¬O³¡¥÷§Þ®v¯d«Èªº¤â¬q¤§¤@¡A¤j®a¨S¦³¿Ð¨¥¡B¤@¯º¸m¤§. ·íµM¨C­Ó§Þ®v³£­n´À«Èdup¨¬, ¥H¤Wªº«h¬O¦]¤H(§Þ®v¡B¤H«È)¦Ó²§ªºÂIºó.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2008-3-24 06:45 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ­»¤ô


I appreciate members continuing to post in this thread, report and comment, while I have been away from this sauna for so long.
We note that there have been explicit references to hj done by certain girls, and we somehow feel that the management have taken certain action probably partly in response to these references. I urge members to stop openly making these references for the peace of mind and sense of security of bgs there in general.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


¦^´_ 1027# ªº©«¤l

These days I come back mainly to note members reports on upstairs massage shops. My turn to be a 'reliant' member.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ bigdog173 ©ó 2009-3-24 12:03 µoªí
I call QQ a few times - voicemail - leave sms + voicemail but no reply. Anybody know where she gone?
Yes, I terribly want to know where she is now, if she is working. I don't have her contact number.
I did her only once but somehow I want to visit her after all. So does anyone have any idea. If inconvenient, please PM me. Thanks.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2009-4-1 13:34 µoªí
hi whitekitty
agree what you said
but i think the good thing about the forum is to allow all brothers to share experiences
no need to waste time to pick wrong bgs
there are people like VAS at lott ...
You are the one that explicitly named the bgs that had hj.

Originally I did not want to pick on you here.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-4-2 08:59 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.



When Wxxxxxx Sauna reopens on HK Island hopefully in the fourth quarter of 2009, wow, competition again....
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Dear bro. carmanlamlam and other brothers:

Obviously you, bro carmanlamlam, have been going to this sauna a lot, while I no longer visit it nowadays. Brothers here, especially you, have lately been taking an interest in whether a particular bg there provides 'VAS'. I remember in the days when I was active here, initiating this thread and helping sustain it, I, together with other brothers, did show a similar interest too. We used to say 1/2, 3/4, believing that such specification would not quite harm the bgs concerned. However, I do have to admit that it had sensitised certain parties, including the management, the bgs involved and other bgs who had come to know that some of their fellow bgs had been specified in this thread as providing 'fractional VAS'.  Though the labels of 1/2, 3/4 do not normally lead to dismissal of bgs, I am aware of at least a case a few years ago in which a night-shift bg at Lotto was fired after she was reported in this thread (not by me) to have given 'special service' to customers ( I don't remember the  exact wording but it seems to have read: 'special treatment'). Possibly the management fired her not solely on the basis of the report here but had 'concrete/circumstantial' evidence against her: there's no knowing what the case was then. But the correlation seemed indicated.

I remember you personally once reported the last mid-shift 68 to have given you hj.  68 was subsequently fired. Did you know that?

What I want to say is: brothers here, please be careful of what and how you report in this thread. The management does take a  tough hand, even though you may consider them (or 'him' ) overly reactive.
The notion of VAS has become blurred here: different brothers may use the term to mean different things. But if things like sucking of nipples (post 1090) and bringing in $300 (post 1106) are mentioned (even if no bg number is specified), some readers can become very sensitive and others may then interpret VAS whenever mentioned along these lines.

These days bg 38 has become the subject of your queries, and she has become troubled by returning customers who actually ask if she can providing 'full plane', which requests she has turned down of course.
I ask if you brothers can leave things at that, please. If a bg has rejected your request, please respect her choice and there is no need to ask about here, which would merely put her under undue pressure.

Thank you brothers once again for your continued interest in this thread in the wake of my departure.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-3 22:12 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2009-9-3 08:52 µoªí
One night when I was at Lotto, I noticed that a group of frequent customers actually talked with the manager about VAS, do you think they rely here to know the dirty secret tricks of bgs??
Thanks for your response. And I was really surprised to learn the above! Which 'manager' was it?  The manager (the chief in charge)?
The manager who has from time to time been firing bgs alleged by him of doing hj? That would be a hypocritical situation. Note: I say would: this is not an accusation.

I reiterate that I posted last night above in view of the current climate prevailing in this thread of giving importance to VAS, under which a bg has recently been inquired about: 38. I think this would be unfair
if people here have simply got into the habit of asking about VAS and directing an inquiry to a bg who has  at the same time been asked by real, live customers if she would give hj. The additional pressure from outside the sauna (i.e. here) on her is unfair.

Brothers, please note again that it seems the management is more sensitive to the wording 'special treatment/service' (eg post 1113) than a mere VAS label. This wording seems to have  led, at least in part, to a night-shift bg being fired in the past.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-3 22:12 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ teihosing ©ó 2009-9-5 12:03 µoªí
Agreed. Don't just think of yourself.  while you are doing something, think about if it impacts others.  Be considerate!
Yes. I think some of the readers here may not have got my point.
My point is not whether it is right or not to pursue VAS from a vegi bg.
My point is the extent to which you report about a particular instance VAS procured , and
the wording used. Please remember that I was once very active in this thread, and did report cases of bgs being nice to me. They were 'stupid' things like bgs holding my hands, hugging, etc. which need not be taken seriously and which did not constitute a cause of dismissal (these things do happen in saunas, vegi or plane alike). Of course I also reported 1/2, 3/4 that stopped short of a hj. We can tell from experience that such fractional bonuses are also tolerated, even if not particularly encouraged by the management. In fact, has anyone heard from the manager himself his baseline? I have, at least during the days when I visited this sauna.

What about things like nipple sucking and playing with your dick  shaft, as revealed in this thread recently? Do you think that if you do not disclose the bg no, the management can definitely not tell which girl she is? Don't you think that if you are a regular customer and a regular reporter here, the management will have already figured out who you are? They can with little difficulty trace your bg trial record and then do something about the bg who served you last time and crossed his baseline while serving you.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-7 10:24 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


At the end of the day, if you say you are indifferent to a bg being dismissed for giving you 'special treatment', that 'she incurred the dismissal herself--she asked for it; it was nothing to do with me', you are simply cold-blooded.

Sorry for being blunt.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ zagong ©ó 2009-9-10 18:41 µoªí

I would like to commend Whitekitty on his point about protecting the interests of the girls.  I don't visit these forums much, but did a number of months back when several girls I knew were fired from Lotto and wondered whether their misfortune was due to on-line discussions.  I discovered that their numbers were posted in a not-so-secret "secret code" (post 880); they were fired shortly after the code's posting.
Thanks for your commendation.
You mean a member (messenger) posted these numbers 586668116 in May 2008 in post 880? Well, I can tell you:
58 left Sauna Lotto of her own accord; she wasn't fired;
68 was fired much later, probably after carmanlamlam reported her doing hj for him (well, I am not saying his report must have been the cause of her dismissal);
116 was fired in autumn (if my memory doesn't fail me) 2008, not in May. I have reason to believe that some customer betrayed her by telling the manager face to face something that had happened;
also a member here did report her doing hj (post 948) .

As far as I am concerned, in the days when I used to report in this thread, though I sort of helped make certain bgs there known to give fractional VAS, my reports, I am sure,
never contributed to the dismissal of any of them, though they may have sensitised the bgs themselves.
In the early days, after I reported about the early bg 13, another bg became sort of jealous and threatened to print and circulate those reports at the time in the bgs' rest room!
(though she never did so).
But 13 was fired much later, after I became inactive last year,  some time before 116 was fired. It remains unclear/uncertain even now
whether 13 really deserved her punishment, or the management (or manager) actually 'did her away/dispensed with her' by wrongly accusing her of crossing his baseline.
I know the manager is reading these recent posts of ours-----I venture to raise the issue here: Was there concrete evidence against 13 at that time?
Did she really do the wrong thing? h:" />h:" />h:" />h:" />h:" />  Was someone abusing his power? h:" />h:" />h:" />h:" />h:" />

Another case: I once reported a bg 9X who was very nice to me and was good at the 'soft skill' (ie fractional VAS and being gentle, sweet). She was subsequently fired after being found doing hj to a customer (but the incident was never reported here).

I also hinted at another bg's breasts touching my head/face while she bent her back to massage my chest. I used figure of speech, 'sugar candy' as I chatted amusedly with another member here about it.
He had also enjoyed 'sugar candy' from her before. This candy bg is still now working at Lotto (!).

What I want to say is: amid possible criticisms in those days, I still managed to avoid crossing the line in reporting. There can be different ways to report, without really
specifying 'nipples sucking' or fondling with your dick!

Finally what about the 66 of 2008?

I reported her doing «e¦C¸¢......in private I informed certain brothers what she did beyond serving «e¦C¸¢. Thereafter, other members were discreet in reporting
about her, without causing her any risk (apart from any that she incurred herself). But afterwards, a member (not known to me and not in my confidence) did report her crossing the line.
Still, 66 could keep her job. Also, she was known to ask customers for a tip of $300 (and I think sometimes she got even more).
She was never fired, but she left of her own accord.
I venture to ask: Was the management really unaware of her crossing the line??
Was partiality in her favour involved? Was the disciplining of bgs consistent and fair ?

At the end of the day, it is clear that a bg is at the mercy of the management, even if she never does cross the line.

By the time I became inactive last year, I felt really bad about the situation.
I really wished that this thread had never been initiated. I hated to have started it. There are so many things not in our control.

Now my digging old things up and mentioning numbers...........the numbers are meaningless by now,
the bgs involved are now working elsewhere with different identities, or out of the industry.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-11 12:47 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2009-9-11 08:50 µoªí
I told you whitekitty the night manager was actually discussing with the frequest clients on which numbers of bg has what kind of services provided?
No, you didn't specify at first it was the night guy. The night-time PR (not bearing the title of manager) can be more liberally-spoken than the day-time manager who has the power of dismissing bgs (whichever shift) and staff delegated by the sauna director. The manager usually does not take an active part in the day-to day (or should I say night-to night?) running of the sauna during night shift hours. But it is he who dismisses bgs when he so desires.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-11 13:35 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


At least in those days when I visited this sauna,
in a conversation with the ruling manager once,  we did refer to this forum, and he said any bg 'who played up with trouble' or cross his line would be fired.
Yes, I also agree if a manager does not like a particular bg, he may fire her, even if she has not crossed the line.
I have heard from a Lotto bg that another fired bg insisted that she was ¬ä¥Í½Þ i.e. she had not violated the no-hj rule (or no jerking/ 'chok' -----using the word used by the ruling manger), but she was fired perhaps because of something the manager was not happy with her.
But still, when a bg is reported crossing the line here, the ruling manager is (almost) certain to fire her. I am not saying a causal relationship, but there is a correlation, e.g.
a night-shift bg in the past (I can't remember the number),
bg 68
bg 116
The report here may serve as immediate cause or a supporting reason/circumstantial evidence for dismissal. For example, in the case of 116, she was warned before she was finally fired. The slight report of her doing hj may have appeared before or after the warning, and her dismissal may have occurred right after her warning or a post-warning 'spot check' by the management, whether he took the report into consideration or not.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed with your views and analyses, and I want to say that I did hear from the ruling manager how he imposed his 'discipline' (even if he is not honest/sincere enough), and I did hear from a bg who had been fired, and I did hear from the friend of a bg who had been fired, and that during the days last year when I was inactive in this forum, I did still follow through the reports here (and heard occasionally from bgs) and was able to correlate certain happenings.

And I repeat (sorry for being long-winded), if you report actively here and is known to be a familiar customer, the management is almost certain to know who you are, and if you enjoyed something that cross the line, even if in night-shift hours, the day-shift ruling manager has the total discretion to do what he can about the bg in question.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥Õ¿ß¨à ©ó 2009-9-15 21:10 ½s¿è ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


¦^´_ 1155# ªº©«¤l

Sorry, found no PM from you. Pls send in again.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2009-9-23 08:40 µoªí
of course everyone is selfish and care ourselves

on the other hand, he massage himself too but want the bgs provide special VAS for him
wonder if the owner knows about it......
If what you say is true, one of the directors of the sauna may read this forum ; at least he did a few years ago.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ zagong ©ó 2009-10-3 08:35 µoªí

Well, I must report that I had met up with several bgs in the past month to discuss this.  It appears the manager indeed puts pressure on some girls to service him (from the details I heard, the g ...
Originally, I did not want to start or join in any negative discussion about him. But given such a situation as you describe, I would look forward to more things revealed
about him here.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2010-1-19 08:46 µoªí
dont know if there's any old Windsor bgs left there
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ kensir ©ó 2010-1-19 13:10 µoªí
¦n­@ÉN¥h¹L, ¦­2­Ó¬P´Á¥hµf.........

¼M, À~q¦º, d¤ò¤y¥ò°I¹Ld©Ù¸}¥¬, ¦Ç¨ìÃz , ¤w¸g§ë³`¥ª, ³£­øª¾·|­ø·|´«....

¤@¤é­ø´«, ¤@¤é³£­ø¾p¦®·N§Ú¦A¥h~

³Â·Ð¦U¦ì¦pªGª¾Ê\¦a´«¥ª·s¤ò¤y©ó¦¹¥Xpost³qª¾Án ...
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ carmanlamlam ©ó 2010-1-22 08:37 µoªí
yes you are right
those insects have been there for years....
Well, maybe I was weak in sight, I didn't see that in my last visit years ago.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ bigdog173 ©ó 2010-1-22 14:25 µoªí
any bro heard from the old QQ? A few months ago still 'resting' in PRC and come back to HK occasionally.
She is said to have a food business there.
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ boot_boot ©ó 2010-1-25 09:30 µoªí

Lotto was my hotel for overnight few years ago.     
±ß¤WKen ­ô¦n©Û©I,


­ì©«¥Ñ JOEFONG123 ©ó 2010-2-12 01:44 µoªí
What about NOT ¥Î¿ú, ±ø¤k(BG) automatically
´X­ÓMONTHS ¥h³­§A¶ÉÔU & ML??


­ì©«¥Ñ JOEFONG123 ©ó 2010-2-12 01:44 µoªí
As the one who originally initiated this thread about a sauna,
I have made a complaint to the forum master pb716 against your posts,
which disrespect other members and potentially initiate argument.


­ì©«¥Ñ bizmatch ©ó 2010-2-12 23:59 µoªí
Long time no go la.
Went to do massage yesterday.
Found that all the insects disappeared and the towels were changed to some better one in shower area.

GOOD IMPROVEMENT!!!! Dont know whether the ...
May I ask you when you first visited Sauna Lotto, first ever?




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