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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

原帖由 史密斯1972 於 2011-10-5 11:15 發表
如只講年紀, 是Yan和Jessie.

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I have banned carmanlamlam, who in  his last post said:
' Bro Whitekitty's bg numbers are quite vegi, but I prefer XX and XX (actual bg numbers)'. In doing so, he indirectly harmed the bgs whose numbers he specified.

He knew well, and has acknowledged more than once, my prohibition of posts that would harm bgs. All the time, he has been paying lip service to me, saying: "I still support Bro Whitekitty.' He knew that I would delete posts or content that harms bg, and he has acknowledged my right to censor such content. This time, he was testing me (again). Members here may remember some time ago he and I  came into conflict in this thread. He distorted the content of my PM in reply to his, and wrongly accused me. In any case, it is plain that one should not reveal the content of private communication unless one has the permission of the other party. This is plain common sense and he  acted against that. But I have been tolerant and merely deducted points off him.

Carmanlamlam has not learned a lesson from years back, when he wrote things in the old Sauna Lotto thread that I initiated, that harmed certain bgs. Finally someone who sounded very like a bg from that sauna entered the thread and voiced her protest.

He claimed to be a very familiar customer of old and current Windsor, but the way he behaved in this thread did not show respect and care for bgs whom he personally knew. His misdeed if allowed to continue would only
undermine the integrity of this thread which is the sole informative discussion thread on current Windsor in public Cyberspace.He had been a recalcitrant trouble-maker.

I feel very upset having tolerated him for so long, yet in vain.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-5 23:09 編輯 ]


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2011-9-17 00:33 發表

There will always be suspicious people in this world, and it looks like you are one of them !
Yes, come to think of the above words of my counterpart from another forum,

let those suspicious guys take heed: if they cross the line here, I will act to disicpline them.









[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-7 09:23 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 美容




You still miss the point, or you pretend to.
Windsor is still at least officially a vegi place.
Those other places, even if not openly selling those services
in the rest lounge,automatically allow them to happen
in the massage room.


今晚做了新美容師玲玲(Ling Ling)

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of course when you carmanlamlam were banned, you had mentioned numbers referring to them as not quite veggie
When you were banned, this post disappeared/ was then covered by the system.


原帖由 楊過之子 於 2011-10-8 01:19 發表



楊兄這麽晚上來留言, 難得.謝謝.


原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2011-10-8 07:07 發表
又一個人愛好...叠字 , 更愛...叠叠叠
Ling Ling 和 Apple 本識得.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


麻辣豆腐兄's points are very well made and should be appreciated by us all as a timely reminder.

In late summer, I posted a birthday wish to a bg who knows me personally as the partcipant
Whitekitty here and whose prior express approval I had got. She was then quite interested in our discussion here
though she she probably did not bother to read here. But (almost of course) she learned about my general comments on her from a forum-viewing client. Luckity according to her, so far my comments on her, positive in naure, had not invited for her any badly-behaved guest upon reading my posts.
Just recently a member here asked about an 'outgone' bg where she had gone. If he had asked that question a bit earlier, I would not have answered here, for I would not have been sure if she was already 'established' in her new workplace (earlier). She also knows me as who I am here. After I revealed where she had gone, there was a follow-up question about her new number, which I hesitated to answer for fear of inviting strangers who might visit her there simply out of curiosity and whose behaviour towards bgs no one would be sure. That question was answered by another member quite indirectly. The bg also knows him as who he is here. So I thought again and left the matter at that, thinking that she would tell me or him to leave out or delete this detail afterwards if she did not like it. The matter remains as it is.
Once I only alluded to a future plan of a girl slightly here, when I had heard that many real customers of her
had already learnt of that. A few days later she told me she would not like even that allusion and kindly asked me to delete it, which I did at once.

As for other threads in this forum there are from time to time instances where a member has written something about a bg, but he regretted it later, or was asked by the bg or by worrying forum members to take it back. Once I dealt with a situation in a thread in which a member was cautioned by another. He accepted it readily and I helped by deleting the previous posts (which they could not after the deadline) which might embarrass them or the bg in question if they were allowed to remain there. Needless to say, from time to time I receive direct requests  from members in private to delete their posts.

Your caution is sound, and I hope that we all exercise restraint and practise moderation. Sensitivity is also necessary.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-9 12:42 編輯 ]


原帖由 麻辣豆腐 於 2011-10-9 13:36 發表

If I may, I think this example illustrates something we all need to be very careful of, and needs to be emphasized. .
So you pick on this example which I took the inirtiative to offer myself, when you (may have wrongly)
suspected me of revealing someone' s bday without gettig her prior consent.

In theory bgs may join a sauna without prior awareness and mental preparedness that her information may be revealed online---this is a point that I myself have raised somewhere  before in this thread. On the other hand one can counter that the PRs also reveal certain personal information (including native town, approximate age) to guests before they meet their bgs in the massage room. On a few occasions when I mention to newly-acquainted bgs what I have heard about them from PRs, some express interest or acknowledgement and others mild surprise, but very seldom do I receive a resentful response. Advocates of total exclusion of personal information of bgs in forums, like you, could then counter that paying guests in saunas have the privilege of information inputs from PRs but general netizens in the cyberspace would not need to pay for information (which incidentally would be unfair). And when PRs reveal more specific info like native town or approximate age, they mostly do that to familiar guests, not to any stranger.
All these arguments on either side, I have thought out long before.
But back to the reality of most forums----in the current three major Chinese forums in Hong Kong that concern massage parlours, members have always felt free to reveal a certain amount of info about bgs, even if little. In most cases they are thoughtful enough to exclude more sensitive info like marital/relationship status, family situation, etc. But things like leaving a workplace and joining another is often freely said. In certain if not many or most cases, they already have the prior approval or tacit agreement of bgs involved. In practice, of course there is no way one can ascertain whether they have that approval or agreement. We have always relied on members' mutual caution, their own discretion and being discreet, previous experience, and the forum master's intervention if necessary, to draw a line between sensitive and less sensitive information. To totally exclude personal information in forums, even if a noble idea, would be very hard to implement as members have always enjoyed a certain liberty (even if there are abuses from time to time) and it would be very difficult to get them to accept such a ban.

Lastly, minor things, though regrettable, need not automatically be overstated as a harm. When members take back what they say, in many cases they have the continued understanding of the bgs involved and the friendship goes on. But of course, sometimes people could be so stubborn or thoughtless that they fail to take any action in time, which disappoints bgs.
Sometimes bgs feel discomfort not because what is said  about her could jeopardise her, but rather certain non-writing forum members report to them the post not carefully enough, so that there is some misunderstanding when the bg would not go to the forum to look up things for herself. Last year, a member in this thread reported his experience of spa in the jacuzzi when he had to undress and get naked with only underpants on. This was reported to the beautician  involved, but it seemed that the phrase 'with underpants' on was left out. The beautician was alarmed, I intervened and told her about that phrase, and all the same that member modified his post to reassure her.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-11 10:05 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Another thing worth notice is that unlike
the other two major forums, ours are open to
public entry without the need to register and
log in. This makes it more exposed and the information
more readily accessible. But restricted entry, as in
elsewhere, should not become an excuse for members there to relax their restraint on posting information.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-10 17:14 編輯 ]


原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2011-10-10 20:24 發表
是夜 TVB 不停見到 Jessie ,

另在下想起 美容師 Jessie...
昨夜不見玲玲, 休息中.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-11 09:11 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 美容 SPA








原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2011-10-20 12:17 發表
昨  有緣和...鐵甲奇俠相遇

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