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[疑難] 最近有無師兄上過金來閣?

never been to 金來閣, but since the subject was being brought up so check it out and find some 5 tastes girls, will go there and try #5 some day


found another image of #5 in 169, very different from w11,  fat, and there is a reflection of part of her face in the mirror that is not censored, ugly
so, I don't think I will go, sorry


原帖由 Schnauzer 於 2009-7-17 10:42 發表
I cannot find the AD of 金來閣 in 169, how come you could find it  ?,
why? 娛樂場所 then ma lam finger press, a list will be shown

相關搜索目錄: 娛樂


原帖由 fatdragon0l0 於 2009-7-17 11:07 發表
i also stop going there when the fat boy keeper left. the quality dropped after he left
fat boy is the quality controller


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-21 13:08 發表

u got any recommendation?? 5 tastes 141?
I found one in Cheung Sha Wan, in 141 the name is Candy but in 161 is Yeung Yee, same address should be the same person, but reports about Yeung Yee is good while about Candy is bad, I have opened a thread try to clarify but so far the result is negative


原帖由 fatdragon0l0 於 2009-7-21 14:11 發表
they are different gals working in shifts. Yeung Yee used to work in SSP and good skill, but always not working. Candy is a psychotic bitch and rubbish!
totally understand


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-21 15:10 發表
i heard #66 of GOLDEN DIAMOND was reallly good but she is now a 141. anyone know/fucked her? she got big boobs and can do 5 tastes.
i'd been trying to find her for 2 years!!!!
are you sure is 66? or 69


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-21 15:19 發表
66. she was the most popular along with 123
really? there was a time I used to go to Gold Diamond very often and I only heard 123 and 69

try 161 and 148 forum on massage, I thought I read this number there




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