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上海另類玩法 (伴遊,酒吧,one night stand.......)

Brother Garylock,

I am now in Shanghai.  I have called the agent and asked him for the same girl you tried last Friday.  However, it seems that he has no idea about the girl.  He did not recall bringing any girl to Starbucks last Friday.     

Are we talking about same agent introduced by Brother Doer?  

Tonight, the agent brought an OL to my hotel.  Unfortunately, she is a bit old, around 24, and her face is not my style.    

I am still waiting for the call from the agent to see if he can find another girl for me...  Hopefully, I will not be alone tonight.  


The agent just called me and he has found the same girl as last time.    

She is coming now...


Good morning!

After one night's hard work, the girl has just left.  

Although her balls are small, feeling is as good as last time - like making love with girlfriend.

Detailed report to be followed.  Need to go to work now.  

(P.S. Last night the agent told me that he had some virgins and asked me whether I was interested.  Price was around RMB7,000.00 to RMB8,000.00.    My girl told me later that in Shanghai, to rebuild the virgin mask (?) cost around RMB4,000.00.    I don't know whether those are really virgin or not.    If any brother wants to try, you can ask Brother Doer for the contact of the agent and try...  )


I think the time clock of this Forum is wrong.  The time now is Shanghai is 07:30 a.m. but the time showed in the Forum is 11:32 p.m. on 24/8....  


原帖由 Thor 於 2006-8-25 09:06 AM 發表
There are a few new NC in shanghai that offer more than just Karaoke.

In the middle of the night, the mami will come in and then the girls start to dance on your lap, with their top down of cour ...
Yeah!  I tried once in SH a few months ago.  

The fat daddy came into our room.  Put something to block the window on the door and started the dancing music.  All girls then danced with their top off.    That night, we found some nice girls with pretty good figures.  It's really interesting experience.   

相關搜索目錄: Dance


Doer 兄:



Brother Yamete,

Sorry Sorry.  I am going back to HK today.  Call you later.


Doer 兄:


個女仔似乎真係客串做呢行,所以危機意識唔强,面對客人無理要求(唔用套),都唔識say no!唉!





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