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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

I am a newbie and many thanks for the useful info hereof.

any tips for me as a walk-in guy? Is that strange for me to walk alone into Rainbow instead of with a few friends?


原帖由 Licco 於 2009-8-25 01:28 發表

I don't think there will be any problem at all.  I always went there alone.
Many thanks for your advice.

One more question, do your guys use dom while VAS?


原帖由 Licco 於 2009-8-26 06:56 發表

I could just say that I would always play safe.
even use it while doing HJ?

BJ of course use.


wanna ask what is the opening hours? thanks ching!


原帖由 happywkr 於 2009-8-28 10:44 發表

Thanks for your happy sharing, new customer normally will be referred the BG who worked less on that day!!  If could not mark the BG preferred, better ask for new BG.
hi happywky. you are very senior in Rainbow Sauna and I admire you very much

wanna ask, in what stage, DOM have to be used? all contact with little brother?


原帖由 happywkr 於 2009-8-31 09:59 發表

Please don't ask silly question, only massage your lower part, why dom has to be used?
because of the direct contact ma....

Ching, I wanna come out to play.. but ... security is the most important concern in my mind.


原帖由 happywkr 於 2009-9-4 13:59 發表

Have you tried this sauna yet, and could share your happy experience.
Hi Ching, I haven't tried yet, I would like to search for more information before do so. For example, what I have to do for protecting little JJ etc.


原帖由 Zimon666 於 2009-9-5 00:17 發表
Dude you better not to go if you are so concern
I really really want to try, but yet to overcome....what can i do.....


原帖由 doraemon7 於 2009-9-25 12:10 發表

i hv an idea... go there in sat morning... very few customers.. u may feel better... as i am afraid u will be scared if u see many mans walking around with their JJs in the bathing area.. haha
thx for your advice, Ching!

I think I will go there when there is few customers as I have never been this kind of place before.

what is their opening hours in the morning?

btw, can I touch them?


原帖由 doraemon7 於 2009-9-25 12:08 發表

dont worry much man... just enjoy HJ without dom... wont get killed....
knowing that HJ will not be offered to the new customers?


As a newbie here, would any CHING could advise every procedures in RAINBOW??

I have never been any sauna before.


原帖由 doraemon7 於 2009-9-28 10:21 發表

hey brother.. dont ask too much la... take it like an adventure... u may find urself a bit silly there for the 1st time... but it donest kill u... quite funny experience actually... and rainbow is ...
thx for your advice anyway!! haha, why I have to ask becos I dunno what to do first and next. wash body? need to wash hair too? sauna? I am really too stupid here to ask such silly questions. Please forgive me.

I have phoned them to confirm the opening time and the price yesterday. They open at 12:00pm and charge $1,1XX each time.  

(Well, the voice of the receptionist is quite cool hahaha.) h:" />

[ 本帖最後由 tokyo-man 於 2009-9-28 10:36 編輯 ]


I like beautiful legs, straight 小腿, ball is not too big is OK for me for me, CHINGS have any recommendation in TOday's RainBow? many thanks!


Today at Rainbow Sauna 係咪攞正牌做生意, 係唔會有人查牌架??????


rainbow sauna 下面有間浴足....




原帖由 happywkr 於 2010-2-1 12:21 發表

As I mentioned before, there is no big plan ar Rainbow, if ML happened, this is the pritwe deal between the customer and the BG only, Customer A got it but Customer B may not get.
I just wonder, ching

for part 2, is it FOR SURE? or  we need to request??

thanks in advance


原帖由 paloalto2008 於 2010-2-5 00:42 發表
I remember several wore t-backs: Gucci, Coco, Annie, Daisy, Shadow......
Most of them were beautiful......
I tried Co finally
first time go to rainbow, a bit nervous, a bit shy, dunno what to do. like on gau gau

part 1
at first, i feel strange because it is the first time such a pretty lady massage for me, my muscle was tense, maybe Coco also aware I am quite nervous, so she whisper my ear "relax.. boy" (i am just around 25), then i tell myself money is paid, must relax and enjoy the process. I start feel very comfortable, her massage every part of my body and make me forget everything and 100% enjoy her work on me.

Maybe she knows I am not talkative, she does not talk much too. well, knowing customer's need means providing good services. I appreciate that.

part 2
my dick already get very hard in part 1. dunno why. I guess she notice that too. she smiles. she starts using massage skill which is sensational. the feeling is like inducing me to have sex with her. she says to me my muscle is firm and I say - yes I do gym.  her hands and fingers are playing my balls and then my super hard WET dick. yes, she is wearing t-back. I love her legs.

When I want to cum, she knows.. She slows down a bit and pressing my dick head for around 10 seconds and then start massage my little brother again, repeat 3-4 times.. very exciting.... I am totally controlled by her.
At last, I really want to cum, I beg her - let me cum .. let me. and she jet me off... all released. ..

A very good experience.

相關搜索目錄: Gym


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2010-2-11 14:15 發表

What a wonderful time you had there!     

Keep it on and you will understand more
about WOMEN in the future.     
I think I am in a big boy before her. she is elder than me a bit

My Hard Dick on her hands, want shoot but pressed by her, want shoot but pressed again..

I am played by her

my heart beat is very fast at that time... unforgettable





原帖由 rpplover 於 2010-3-25 14:11 發表

Ching lam, you must be a handsome young man.  I was rejected by over half of the BGs I liked and met!!
我去rainbow之前, 會做gym操fit自己 (主力胸 + 腳), 唔吊女唔打jj 2-3 星期, 儲滿d精.. 以最fit狀態引誘班BG... 大家happy~~~~~~~~~~

相關搜索目錄: Gym


原帖由 extensive123 於 2010-3-23 08:14 發表
熟女比較多~ my cup of tea ~~~~~~~~~ 有味道


原帖由 seven_cheung 於 2010-3-12 14:20 發表
Ada -- Like face, figure, skill & service, appreciated!!
Is Ada still in Rainbow? Heard that she is great in part 1 & 2.  I would like to book her if she's still here. any updates from brothers?


原帖由 extensive123 於 2010-2-10 14:30 發表
4)客少,大多數大 ...
yes, may exist routes in that shopping mall, great! and few people around that area.

I note there is also another foot spa besides rainbow, any ching knows more about the foot spa there?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 gowentgone 於 2009-12-10 01:23 發表
actually after 11 pm price is similar to 10+4 coupons
Actually I would like to go there in the morning, say, 12:00pm... any brothers know if there is any discount in that period? I refer less customers there..


原帖由 lionaxe 於 2010-3-25 17:13 發表
Ada is still there. And her services really good.
any more description on Ada's appearance? which part provided by her is better?


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