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風雨過後 CA 遊記

Hello Everybody. I'm new to this forum. 多多指教... I can't type chinese so I better use English...
I now work in Dong Guan... familiar with 厚J, 虎M, CA, 石L, etc... Hopefully we can exchange some good info on this forum...
To brothers who is new to Venice in CA... Here are some added details

Price is 450 for B, 550 for A and 650 for Model, sometimes they have "super models" and ask for 900. +1 trainee also available from 12-8pm. No additional room charge. Staying over night is ok after 2330. Gals overnight is double the price.
Like Dragon island and Pacific, they also have "Interaction" room...
In March they added a cat walk room on the top level, the gals take turns and walk the floor... other gals will sit on the sofa nearby for you to choose. Good Idea.. but I wish the lights are brighter...

Compare to Dragon and Pacific,
Venice: room newest and cleanest. More gals to choose from and quality is quite high. Some models i saw before are the hottest SN gals I've ever seen.... but just too expensive for my standard so I never try.

Venice, I think the services level is not as good compared to Dragon and Pacific... From my point of view... I think in general Dragon gals are more "professional" ..experienced and usually they'll complete the "service card" actions... Pacific gals are more "innocent" and they usually will agree with what you want, gal friend feel type... However, Venice gals usually does not complete the service card actions. ... they're just "doing their job"... Even their service card has a huge sign "MUST 口爆", I only got it once from more than 10 gals I tried...

none the less... Venice is still a place I'll head to from time to time, Good choice if you want "hot" gals...

For smart budget brothers, Venice can be reach by catching 11 Bus "Sand Head" direction, the stop is called "林記魚村" and it is right across from the street... the sign is so big you can't miss it !

After your brother is satsified, you can also try the 森美 Tea house near by... food is very acceptable

Hope you find it useful...
by the way, I need some help reading 【CA 聾島沐足討論區】and【CA 王金 - 沐足新體驗】 ... been happying in CA lately... anyone can help?

[ 本帖最後由 長9 於 2009-8-12 17:08 編輯 ]
  • denny2000 體力 +59 very detailed analysis 2009-8-14 10:00
  • denny2000 威望 +59 very detailed analysis 2009-8-14 10:00


原帖由 strange 於 2009-8-12 23:14 發表

長 9  C Hing, Welcome to this Mainland Nightlife discussion board.

As you are familar with CA, do you think is it safe to go to the Sauna at day time  nowasdays?

You are required to get ...
Strange ching... I cannot say for sure, but base on my contacts with the gals.. I guess afternoon is safer... Since I have not heard day time typhoons lately ... but night time is still not...it also depends on the location.  

Many thought the storm was over 1st Aug... so most SN reopened, but even last Friday night around 11pm there was another  sudden check that swap many SN including  Dragon and Pacific at the same time... I heard that in Pacific, the cops came back 20 mins AFTER they checked and do a "double check"... Pretty crazy...  Mama said they have inside 線人and they always tell you not to worry.... but I don't trust them...
Interesting enough, "Golden Brick" remained mostly open during this stormy season, even when the others are closed... but I don't have the guts to try.
After chating with TDMH gals, no checks after Aug 1.
A message from Dragon SN gal last night: "現在還不怎么正常啊"

Safe or NOT? you be judge.

[ 本帖最後由 長9 於 2009-8-13 18:58 編輯 ]
  • denny2000 體力 +21 very detailed description... 2009-8-14 09:59
  • denny2000 威望 +21 very detailed description... 2009-8-14 09:59
  • denny2000 金錢 +19 very detailed description... 2009-8-14 09:59


原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-8-13 19:11 發表

Ching, welcome to this forum no matter you use Eng or Chin to chat.

According to the existing rules:

禁止發言 ----- 權限0
100分 ----- 權限10
110分 ----- 權限20
16 ...
O, I see... thanks Robert Ching for the info.... I have 147... points... 453 to go....
I look forward to seeing your post... I'm sure it's worth reading since there are so many pages of replies...


Thanks All the Chings for the opinion ..

Yes Robert Ching I can read the dragon form now. It's a cool thread and I find it very funny to look at... Thanks

I totally fine with all brothers out there that enjoys 沐足 more than SN...  THe fact is I enjoy both... as long as pretty gals are involved i'm always interested... 沐足 , SN, QQ Dating, even just picking up gals in bars, gym, or restaurants, boy I LOVE ONS... And yes they all required different skills and provide different kinds of satisfaction...   I am open mined, but there is no point in discussing which is better or harder or cheaper... No need to draw any line to separate the two...
At the end, we get laid... THAT is the point!

相關搜索目錄: Gym


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-8-14 10:02 發表

very good analysis...  girls depends.  I had some good and bad moments at this "Italy" place so it is hard to tell. I oonce tried a girl who looked like Theresa but she just did not have mood to do  ...
Hey Denny I think I saw the Theresa that you mention... haha.. lucky I didn't because it sucks when the gal have no mood...
Thanks man




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