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[上樓骨] 尖咀凱x 10/F Grand Open and i Try it today!

Okay, great that's a nice place, but sound the BG is not very good, any ching can suggest to me, since I tried Hung = (Rainbow), although she is not bad, but not my cup of tea, China Feel a lttle bit.
If Man Man can improe the BG, I think her usinees is more successful.
Compare with old BG, the NEW BG in HM is too bad now.


原帖由 retire07 於 2009-9-8 13:33 發表

If the business of HM is not good, Man Man would not have opened one more floor.
It is because when I went to HM at 18:00 - 20:00,
fisrt time visit - 4 BG sit on the sofa and watching the TV, after finished the massage, still have 3 BG watching TV.
Second time  visit - 3 BG sit on the sofa and watching the TV.
When I talk to the BG is it the busness is not good, she said he business is very very silent, also Man Man said businees is not very well. May be upstair is 裝修緊,好嘈 .

相關搜索目錄: 裝修




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