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回復 166# 的帖子

Very interesting report ching!

I have visted there a few times and I am impressed with both the hardware and service. Mimi is a real happy nut. Here are my brief comments on the BGs I have tried:

Ah Kei - Pleasant looking. Friendly., talkative but not annoying. Good bone skill. Moderate force and great back-stepping! Worth viist again.

Lily - Look is average but if you care about real good bones then she is a good pick. Forceful but really relief my tension and stress. Head and shoulder massage is superb!

Wan Yin - A new girl just arrived and I am her first client. She is from Harbin. Sweet looking with some baby fat. Her voice is very soft and tender. Her force tend to be soft but make syou feel relax and comfortable. Not to eveyones's taste. I may try her oil pushing next time.

Mimi - She requested me not to write about her so I respectfully obey her order!

BGs I haven't yet tried: Yoyo and Ah Shan


回復 169# 的帖子

Longdum hing:

Mimi told me Lily is off for holiday but she will return. Don't know who is true.


原帖由 long_dum 於 2009-9-1 20:17 發表

Small-jj 兄, 我都唔知喎, 未做過, 見 Supreme c hing 話得, 咁咪想試下 lor. 試完再出包膠啦.
haha! I guess it was 'wing yee' used her  half-鹹淡 cantoneses to introduce herself, so 'wing yee' sounded like 'wan yin'! haha!
sorry if my review caused any inconvienece to all chings here!

btw, i have tried her soft massage for 1 hour only cos my main purpose going there yesterday was enjoying the service of happy nut! waiting for the reports from other chings on her oil pushing skill.


回復 177# 的帖子

mrusb 師兄:

我冇响拼音果度表諗達錯! 我一直都以為這技師叫韻賢。聽唔Q清楚有乜問題? 況且我已為對small-jj, long dum 等師兄構成不便致歉。

I prefer posting in English cos I am really SLOW in typing Chinese. I do enjoy sharing with many nice chings here.  I am sure that most chings here, including you, as well as native English speakers have no problem in understanding my simple English.

Thanks anyway for your comment.


原帖由 small-jj 於 2009-9-2 15:05 發表
我d英文都好差架,費是比人笑,第日都係寫晒中文為上策,就好似 long-dum兄咁,寫d中文報告幾吸引人,同埋幾受人欣賞, 中文始終係我地既母語, 用中文既形容詞來表達意思更勝英文! 難怪 long_dum 兄可以被人封為偶像.
Dear Small-jj ching,

I agree with your viewpoint that posting Chinese is far superior in terms of accurancy. Long-dum's posts are definitely highly interesting and entertaining. Please keep up the effort!

The ONLY reason for me to post in English (simple but definitely not 'Hong Kong' Style) is my slow speed in typing Chinese. I have absolutely no idea for why my posts have touched the nerve of mrusb! His reaction was totally out of my expectation......or I should say, quite uncivilised. I won't give a damn what he says about me from now on.

BTW, any reports on YoYo? I would like to try her next time.  Thanks!


回復 183# 的帖子

thx kid263 ching!


回復 187# 的帖子

dear small-jj ching,

got it! thanks for your opinion!


回復 200# 的帖子

thanks for support!

Actually, I admire people who write good reports, no matter they are in Chinese or English!
Thanks chings for comments and suggestions (especailly small-jj hing)!

There is no point to attack me since I have no affiliation of any kind with siliver spa.
As a customer, I rate their service highly.  

Looking forward to see the BGs in new uniform. (mouth-watering now!)  haha!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Has the new uniform arrived?


enjoyed 'double fly' by mimi and kei kei twice this week. Their superb 'dup' skills plus their funny laughters were unforgettable. Most stress was relieved! 
Beware. It's additive! (though only pure bone)

今午發生了一則尷尬事件,用中文寫會傳神一些。話說一路望住 MImi 一路被她推大脾內側時,我的至親竟不由自主向她致敬,仲唔覺意比佢摸到正。佢見到毛巾下那帳蓬係咁笑,同我做乜咁衰。明知佢冇VAS,所以都唔知點答好。真頂瘾!


回復 225# 的帖子

kid ching:
I suggested it. Mimi stepped in as no other BG was available at that moment. I was very lucky!
Price  = double


in fact I would like to try yoyo but she was not free.


回復 228# 的帖子

long dom hing:
only 唔覺意摸正
It was a hard time (control myself not to think more) for me and a 'hard' time (physically speaking)for my brother. haha!


回復 262# 的帖子

我想佢 我喎... haha!


enjoyed yoyo's spa and then with 'mimi-yoyo double fly' dup the day before mid autumn.
yoyo's spa skill has improved a lot and personally I think it was more relaxing than double fly spa.
brought them some ice cream moon cake and hoping for return of some other 'cakes'!
just kidding!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 294# 的帖子

the only bg  I know with short hair is kei kei.
her personality is very nice!


昨晚又上銀之泉做皇帝,先來一節令人上瘾的泉水樂 yoyo
真是人生一樂! 再來 90 分鐘 mimi 加新技師小雨雙飛; (mimi 話每日會夥拍一位新技師為一名熟客雙飛)
小雨的骨技令我想起 Lily,受力的肯定非常享受。頸膊背的緊張和疲累完全消失。
Mimi 與她一上一下配合得天衣無鏠,真是快活不知時日過!
適逢 yoyo 小休時進來「探班」:三飛六手! Oh my God!


昨天又享受了每週熱切期待的「週末水療樂悠悠」。其後介紹了新技師芳芳跟 yoyo dup 雙飛。芳芳看來頗年輕順眼, 骨技可以但個人比較喜歡上次夥拍 mimi 的小雨,取其較準的按穴和力水(不是死力)。下次一定要 book 番她!令我最意外的,反而是 yoyo 的骨技,一直以為她主攻 spa ,原來踩背按肩都好掂!骨鐘過後她知我「唔夠喉」,私下用了幾招 KO 了我的重要部位 - 頸和腰。好正!(師兄們莫心邪。我不是說最重要的部份!) 

相關搜索目錄: SPA 水療


昨天又上銀之泉 spa 加 dup, 個場好靜,真有點替 mimi 担心
小雨拉筋松骨真係好比心機好掂 - 鋼筋都變番橡筋 ! 加理悠悠悉心配合的踩按腰腿肌肉和穴道,成身鬆晒!距離眾技師要把我揼成一張紙的目標不遠矣!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


今早抽空找 yoyo 做了一次臨別秋波 spa; 感受到她特別細心。多謝!
mimi: 如妳有看,想向妳說聲不好意思未能享用妳為我準備的靚湯

相關搜索目錄: SPA




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