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[桑拿浴室] 浪淘莎桑拿 (Sauna Lotto)

回復 1114# 的帖子

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-9-3 00:08 發表
Dear bro. carmanlamlam and other brothers:

Obviously you, bro carmanlamlam, have been going to this sauna a lot, while I no longer visit it nowadays. Brothers here, especially you, have lately been ...
I would like to commend Whitekitty on his point about protecting the interests of the girls.  I don't visit these forums much, but did a number of months back when several girls I knew were fired from Lotto and wondered whether their misfortune was due to on-line discussions.  I discovered that their numbers were posted in a not-so-secret "secret code" (post 880); they were fired shortly after the code's posting.

I believe what happens between a masseuse and her client is a matter between them, and, without the consent of both parties involved, is no one else's business.  It should be sufficient that members of this forum know they can find favorite girls and, with a little sincere effort, develop a relationship that suits the interests of both parties.  The adventure is in discovery, not in disclosure.

I also agree with Whitekitty that once sensitive information becomes discussed in public, whether true or false, the girl is at extreme risk of losing her job.  Lotto management is indeed well-aware of these posts, as are law-enforcement agencies.  These girls get targeted for investigation as soon as their information is posted.  If law-enforcement catches the girl in a act they deem inappropriate for the sauna's license, the girl must be fired immediately.

I know for a fact that some of these girls experienced rather serious hardship after getting fired.  Like many of us, they had family responsibilities (old parents, kids) that had to be met.  Clearly, by the nature of some comments, some forum members really look down on these girls.  Bros, they are human beings like all of us and it is really not fair for customers to force misfortune on them.  How is it fair to pressure them for services and then say it's their fault for providing those services -- that they should have know better in the first place?  If you haven't figured it out by now, most of these girls would prefer to be somewhere else doing something else.  But, by life's circumstances, they're in a difficult (and apparently thankless) position serving some rather insensitive bros.  The business is very competitive for them and, unfortunately, some girls make some bad judgments about some of the customers they serve, not thinking that those customers will end up helping to fry their squid.

If you can't appreciate what they do for you, and respect their circumstances and situation, then please go somewhere else to get your jollies.  Don't ruin things for everyone else.


回復 1131# 的帖子

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-9-10 22:23 發表

116 was fired in autumn (if my memory doesn't fail me) 2008, not in May. I have reason to believe that some customer betrayed her by telling the manager face to face something that had happened; ...
You've got to be kidding!


回復 1133# 的帖子

原帖由 9ball 於 2009-9-11 01:26 發表
To be honest, running this industry, who care being fired? you care ? she care ? or Lotto care ?....should be nobody care. Are you afraid that they can't find other job then.......sorry lor.....over h ...
Sorry, Bro, but I do care.  I've known some girls for many years, and consider them friends.  I also know that some have considerable financial challenges taking care of their families, which is why they are doing what they're doing.  So, yes, they do care when they get fired.

And because many need to take care of family in the evening, they can't work at night.  It is very difficult to find work in a sauna that has a decent daytime patronage, as the competition for those slots are highest.  

And when good girls get fired, many good bros who appreciated those girls are inconvenienced too.

Respect others and treat them well, Bro, and life will be good for all.  Indifference to others can only bring bad karma.


回復 1135# 的帖子

原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2009-9-11 08:50 發表
Thanks bro and know what message you are trying to tell already. Are we in a charity forum. ...
No, not a charity forum. But just a plea for some common sense and consideration.  Most bros are pretty smart and don't need to have the fine details spelled out for them to get the idea, which Whitekitty has repeatedly tried to convey.  And, if it can be avoided, why put the girls at risk.  There is really no need.  Just try use some class and discretion when talking about your adventures.  After all, no girls, no forum.


回復 1144# 的帖子

原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-14 15:08 發表

We are all here to exchange information and have fun, so why we have to care the reaction of the Lotto's management.  We are actually do free advertisement for Lotto.   ...
In general, bros, management doesn't care what goes on in a massage room between a masseuse and her customer.  They only care when that information gets outside that room and into the public arena, where that information can affect the well-being the sauna's business license and the employment of all concerned.  When that happens, management would much rather fire the few girls involved, even if evidence is unsubstantiated, than to risk the overall business.

"Regulatory Officialdom", for their purposes, doesn't really care what goes on between a masseuse and her customer either, but legally must investigate matters when information becomes public and that info gets called to their attention.  This can result from an article in the press (usually tabloid), or from an observation made in some other public forum that someone else in Officialdom notices.  

When Officialdom needs to check up on the industry, they come to forums like these to find girls to target, as these forums offer one of the easiest sources of info to follow up on and "verify" ("send the bait in to check up on numbers 'x', 'y' and 'z' and let's see what we can catch").  The same "bait" will visit the same girl 2 to 5 times to see what can be uncovered.  Some girls are street smart about who they service and can smell the bait; while some girls are not. But the fact of the matter is that the girls can get targeted as soon as you post their information here, so it really doesn't help them bros.  Nor does it help you and your fellow bros, if you think about it.  So, please, think about it.

It is easy to find favorite girls in just about any place.  Just take some time to explore and build some relationships.  That's the adventure of it, bros.  Honestly, you can do that quite well without this forum.  But if you feel compelled to share info, then just be smart, creative and discreet about it.  Please don't ruin it for everyone else.


回復 1148# 的帖子

原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2009-9-15 11:06 發表
But when I went there a few days ago, I still get my FULL VAS - not 1/2 or 1/4 but FULL VAS.  Is that secret enough or stupid enough even the manager will realise what I am talking about ...
As long as you don't post numbers -- and that includes not using the blatantly obvious Shift-Number keyboard code -- or names, then things should be okay.  Bros can at least know what is going on, and venture out for themselves.

Also, after making a post, please beware of PM requests for numbers and details.  If you don't personally know the bro who is making the PM request, then be careful.  Both the sauna management and Officialdom will use PM to nail down specifics, as will some girls (I've know some girls who ID'd their customers this way, and that was the end of any further relationship between the girl and customer; moreover, those girls were quick to inform other girls, which kind of ended further possibilities for those bros).

Again, just be smart, creative and discreet.



回復 1150# 的帖子

原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-15 13:26 發表
I trust the Regluatory Officialdom knows better then all of us ...
Indeed, there are no secrets from Regluatory Officialdom, and, again, as long as there are no real complaints that have to be addressed, there is generally no regulatory action, especially against airport and FS saunas, which have their own unofficial "understandings".  But veggie saunas are quite vulnerable, as they do not have unofficial "understandings" about their business licenses, which is the crux of the problem with this particular sauna, and which is why their girls get fired so easily.  As long as we are all sensitive to that, and make an effort to respect that, then all should be okay.


回復 1152# 的帖子

Just like the girls, and just like to keep 'em working where we all love to visit them!


回復 1154# 的帖子


I PM'd a private question to you that I hope you can answer for me.



回復 1156# 的帖子

Just sent again.



回復 1163# 的帖子

原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2009-9-23 08:40 發表
same for that day shift manager
at one hand he pick on bgs providing special VAS
on the other hand, he massage himself too but want the bgs provid ...
Well, I must report that I had met up with several bgs in the past month to discuss this.  It appears the manager indeed puts pressure on some girls to service him (from the details I heard, the guy is quite a lecher).  Not all girls are targeted, just the ones he likes, or feels are particularly popular or vulnerable (e.g, girls identified here as providing extra services).

All the girls I met with had declined his advances.  But they identified bgs who have accommodated him and were subsequently able to have "immunity" from providing VAS to other customers.  Those bgs could then earn large tip income without question by management and not fear getting fired (the bgs who refuse to cross the line for both the manager and customers quite resent this).  Still, even some of those immune bgs found the manager's demands intolerable after awhile, and decided to leave on their own accord (they weren't fired).




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