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原帖由 白貓兒 於 2013-8-22 08:26 發表
scwt  quite a few of us here incl. you
and me first met her in that shop in mongkok/PE
all right, but not as early as 5 years ago, only
more than 2 years ago. While this was only a small
mistake o ...
Agreed with Whitekitty.  From time to time we spotted some causal reportings or description unintentionally causing damaging effect to the BG or the venue.  As these victims could not find any opportunity to defend or correct,  this forum if not controlled would fall into a platform for launching any hostile attack on the competitors or the persons they don't like.  (I do not mean anybody here but just state my feeling).  In the past,  I heard some unfair or hostile comments on the BG from time to time.  In fact as checked with the the person involved,  it arose from some unreasonable demand and the BG rejected.  Of course, only two persons in the room and we could not testify who is telling the lie.




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