Hi all CHings, here comes my first report after being a CD ROM for quite a while.
Story starts with I called Xiao Ting (!3*1*3*@9&2) one night, saying I was introduced by LJW (sorry bro, I borrowed ur name) and she organized 佳佳 which she came in about 30 mins.
After 佳佳 arrived, initially she only offered me 3 plans of 260, 3XX and 398 (I forgot the price of the middle one) but of coz after a bit of chit-chatting and touchings, she asked me whether I want FS instead. Of coz I said yes and asked how much it cost, then she said 1K and I replied I know market price is 800, which she agreed and we proceeded.
Overall I think 佳佳's attitude and service is pretty good. Appearance-wise she is slightly above average. Interesting part is it seems like she's more "hungry" than I was, which is good. Only thing I can complain is she was too hungry to a stage where she placed my little bro into her little sis when I wasn't fully ready yet.
Anyway it was a good experience and I think it's more interesting than the saunas.