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Any C-hing have experience dating a bg? and how long did it last? was it just for money?


Sounds Like you had bad experience. Like to share?

For me, she ask me to dinner ......like to try a resturant together because she heard it from her friend which is good. Do you think they all look for money??? She works at a vegi +HJ SN.

Good advise thanks C-hing.


If its just dinner and I am paying. How do I offer to pay her for her time? waht should I say?$1000?? She may be not contact me again if i offer to pay her.

If we ML later and I pay for everything such as hotel......, how much should I pay her? $2000??

I dont want not to tell which SN. I will report after next week.


Thank you brothers. You guys are the experts and make me look fxxkin dumb. I heard from other c-hings story about spy camera and then they want money from you otherwise they would post it on You Tube.

I will goto to dinner with her and won't pay her for her time. May be ML later. no money involve.

Report later.......

Would you date BG as your steady GF (long term gf)?


We agree to meet at Shamshuipo mtr to have dinner at Taipaidong. We walk a few minutes to the shop and she held my hand. We order food.........talked.......about things..........and we did do anything........but we went to knutford place to drink. She likes white wine so we opened a bottle and drink together. .......talked until 4am and she siad she doesn't want to go home......so we went to my place......openned another wine......talk more kisses kisses   ..........and she went home.

I am not going to talk about the food because c-hing only like to know what happened.

We didn't talk about ML. Just talked about things........I will meet her again next week.........

I remembered brother said to treat her like GF.

相關搜索目錄: Wine



Sorry for not updating with progress. I've been busy with her because she took two weeks living with me. It was like married life, she was like a maid during the day and sex worker at night. She BJ and ML everynight. she didn't ask for money nor she accepted any money when i offered to her.
May be will see her again...........................she resumed working.


She cain called me today. We chat a bit and then she said she miss me. She want to see me when she is not working during weekdays. I asked if she can give up her bg job and work in sales or office work. She said she need to money to support her living expenses.
C-Hing, any advise? end the relationship? I am not experienced in dating a bg??


some very good advices.........but not all girls are connected to the triad. The only money they pay is the manager so they get more work.......




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