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Ho Chih Min City

Ho Chih Min City

Karaoke ohm
What new?
there are some KTV without TV and Karaoke set in this vietkong country. Plenty of of them are operating and cater for local and foreigners.

They are encouraging ppl for FJ and beer instead of karaoke. ANyway they will provide karaoke set upon request. As usual, there are nothing free, extra charges will be imposed to your bill for the tv n karaoke set. For me, i have to go for it, otherwise nothing to do inside the karaoke room ( Can not just talk cock to the vietnamese girl --> communication problem). Definitely there are some karaoke are running 'proper' business with karaoke set n presentable renovation.

beer serving are not in jug. They r calculating in carton. every room will be given by one carton for the beginning. Fark the world, i am not a beer drinker.. waste all the money here.

Most of the girls r very slim, big nut and wearing V type of shirt not Y type. You can simply put you hand inside and BRA-LESS!!!! that the good thing here.

Damage for tis type of karaoke joints (without TV) about USD 80 (3 guy + 3 gals). excluding the extra service for FJ. if you beh tahan, you can ask for the girl screw inside the room. the boy will lead you to an empty room for the action. this only cost you for USD 30 per game. tips to AH boy depend on you.. the place quite run down as this is for local. For those so call 'proper karaoke', i am not too sure as my boss paid for it.
Again, definitely, price will be according to the service and product have been sell to you.

For HCMC, you can go to MIMI in District 5 or Long Hai near to the airport. I will suggest you to get a local for these type of places. otherwise the OKT or MUMMY will bring some GPAR to you or potong you KAU KAU. There r plenty of KTV running around. 'Proper Karaoke' likes American, Tokyo will cost you tonne of money.

Massage parlour
What new?
Nothing new for me. This will be the same as malaysia.

As usual, massage and HJ or BJ. No FJ are allowed here. Roaming depend on the negotiation.

You can get a very hot chick to massage for you. Most of them can not speak in english very well. But i am sure that they will talk to you ' massage ball ball?, 10 dollar'

All you have to pay is USD 12 for massage, USD 10 for HJ, USD 20 for BJ. Remember tis price, the girl sure PEPSI (ASK FOR MORE) from you due to foreigner. Do not spoil the market price here.

Ky Dong at Dist 3, MP inside a Hotel next to Liberty 4 (Where i used to stay b4) also in Dist 3. Phat tat hotel (dist 5)

What new?
Their Pub occupied by most of the leng lui waitress. I was surprise when i went in a pub in Dist 1 (can not recal what's the name may b cow boy or.) more than 2 dzn of gals r waiting inside to serve u.

Same la.. what can u do inside the pub? They will serve u and dance with u. for further action, you have to negotiate with them. definitely not inside the pub, i means for overnight.

Most of them are below 24 yrs old. very energetic and young. They will prefer to serve u if u r foreigner. Tips will always in their eye. some of them can speak in english and mandarin.

Not sure. My boss paid for it.

You can find it in Dist 1. This is the most happening in town.

1. District 5 is the place for Chinatown. most of them can speak in cantonese. their grandparents also from Hainan, Guangdong or Fujian.

2. If you r looking for nice and hot chick, congratulation to u! Vietkong is the place. do not expect too much on the service.

3. Safetywise not bad. better than in KL. You can walk alone without any worried

4. Communication. there are minority can speak in english.

5. Terrible trafic. u can see more than 80% r motorbikes. when u come across to their traffic light junction, u can see the bikes run here n there. same situation when ur son, dauther or grandson (sperm) come out n look for their target after a hard work for pump in n out.

6. i will suggest u guy not to stay in a 5 or 4 star hotel. first of all, they are not allow u to bring the chick into their hotel room. u will feel disappointed after hard negotiation with the gal and end up do nothing or go to other hotel.

there r some brothers here are staying in HCMC or went there very frequently. for those new to Saigon you should get more detail from them as they r consider the sifu there. I am here just to share with u what i hv experienced b4.

here r some useful word u hv to learn. just for basic
cam on --> thank you (感恩)
khong co gi --> ur welcome (不客气)
tam biet --> good bye
em dep lam --> u r very beutiful
anh yeu em --> i love u

Original sender: Chuvit

相關搜索目錄: Dance


Useful Vetnam phases

Here are some useful vietnamese sentences/phrases which will be helpful while moving
around there.

Xin chào Anh / Em = Hello,Good Morning, Afternoon Mr./Ms.
Anh yêu Em = I (Male) Love You (Female)
Mac Lam = Expensive
xin lỗi = Sorry
cám ơn= Thank you
khách sạn = Hotel
sân bay = Airport
đi = Go
bao nhiêu tuổi = How old are you (her)?
bao nhiêu = How much?
áo dài = Traditional Vietnamese dress
tỏ tình với ai = make love with
đi làm = go work
làm tình = fucking
không = No

PS: The phonetics can be quite different; better to get a phrasebook; D with a stroke across is pronounced as a "D" (Di > Go is such an example) but D without a stroke (as in Ao Dai) has a heavy Y sound (almost like a Z) in the north (eg. Hanoi) but has a lighter Y sound in the south (eg. HCMC) so Ao Dai is pronounced as "Ao Zai" in the north and "Ao Yai" in the south.


在還劍郡南邊 / 北越

在還劍郡南邊,地址是 So^ 1, -Dao` Duy Anh , Kim Lien Hotel 的隔壁,有一家 Health Center ,主要不是讓你去運動,是要你去按摩,我去了兩次,一次買兩個鐘頭十五萬,自己一個房間,妹妹都很漂亮,不可以挑選,但是可以打槍,我一次遇到19歲的,一次遇到22歲的,設備很新,2002九月去的時候,老闆說開業四個月了。房間裡有蒸汽浴,可以拉妹妹一起進去。按摩、吃豆腐以外的服務,要跟妹妹再商量,特殊服務,不要付超過10萬。另外,所有的妹妹都不會講中文、英文,要約妹妹到飯店吃宵夜,把時間寫在旅館的名片上交給妹妹即可。我朋友遇到一個17歲的,剛下海,不過他沒有吃到。聽說那妹妹很緊張,只打出三壘打,此地適合有冒險精神的中少年人.








[ 本帖最後由 Bonkinasia 於 2007-1-20 02:15 PM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 運動


Oh, the only place which I can see young pretty & beautiful gals riding motor-bike, ie in vietnam.
Have been there for only a short stunt, I thought I would sink my ship there. .......hehehe.


My observations.....

After numerous trips to mainland China, I then realise Bangkok is not that cheap.
Perhaps I will also shift my HQ (playground) to PRC instead.........................In term of
sexual activities, Bangkok is safer.  Mainlanders, manys go unprotected (without cap).

[ 本帖最後由 Bonkinasia 於 2007-2-5 10:26 編輯 ]


This Massage Parlor got specials.............from other source.

Full Package Massage at HCM City

This is a location of a Massage place that offers the "Full Pacakge".

It is located directly opposite the Main Entrance of Sheraton Hotel. Its on the 2nd Floor normally with some girls sitting outside touting the for the massage place.

Entrance fee - VND 160,000 of USD$10 Paid up front before entering.

Upon payment, You will be assigned a gal who will lead you directly to the massage room.

Please note the following, there are no lockers to place your belongings and you do not change into shorts or bath robes or anything like that.

She will ask you to strip and get you to hang your clothes on the wall hook and will ask you if you want to shower. If yes, she gets you a towel and directs you to the shower room. Please note the only facility available is a little steam/sauna room. Other than that, nothing else.

10 massage rooms, all the same design. Massage bed is only about 3 -4 feet high and this should tell you something. The girl that massaged me that day had the skills to do a good job. Chatted a bit and found out she has worked there for 2 years, 25 yrs old bit looks more like 29-30. Oh yeah, she speaks very good English.

Towards the end of the session, she popped the golden question, HJ for USD$50. I literally rolled of the table and fell on the floor. Told her I have been in HCMC for 1 year and this is the first time I heard of this kind of price. She than said ok, I give you discount, VND500,00. I just laughed at her.

She then proceeded to list the whole price structure for me. HJ USD$50, BJ USD$100, FJ USD$150. I just looked at her in total disbelief. BTW, this is the first time I have gone to any massage parlor and got offered a FJ. I just told her she was crazy, and rejected her offer. At least she didnt put on a black face. Dressed up, tipped her VND200,000 and left the place.

My personal deductions are as follows;

FJ is definately available and you dont have to ask, they will offer it.

Catered to foreigners because of the pricing and all the girls speak very very good english. Confirmed by my friend who was also there with me.

If you want facilities like hot pool etc etc, skip this place.

Very Very expensive place.

Girls are all matured. My friend's one was like 34 yrs olds.

~~~~~ info from other source ~~~~~




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