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回復 1608# 的帖子

I also had 秦琴's service earlier today.  Agree she really wants to do a good job, though she is not the most experienced and it showed.  Not the prettiest but with a sweet the-girl-next-door feel.


回復 1607# 的帖子

老江湖兄, i've tried a few girls from agent xiao-ting.  They are okay but I guess I was setting my expectations too high (in terms of their looks and figure).  Do you have any other recommendations?


Tried 小娟 from Xiaoting over the weekend.  Young girl from Fuchien.  Not very pretty, not as white as the photos online, but good pettite figure, small but firm tits.  Her massage is above average and quite open, but no FS as far as I can tell.  Pleasant personality.


Tried 小倩 from Xiaoting tonight.  Pretty girl from 四川, a bit chubby for my taste but I'm sure most people won't mind, face is certainly above average.  Her message is one of the better ones that I had, and willing to play along XDD.....

Overall, another good recommnedation from Xiaoting.




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