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lich13 C-hing, and all brothers!
This is Juwan5, I am new to site. Wish all of you have a great time and always play smart & play safe
  • lich13 體力 +30 hi brother 2009-12-12 03:35
  • lich13 威望 +30 hi brother 2009-12-12 03:35


When I browse around YorkXXX. I have seen a new ad.
Joey has changed to Scarborough Garden. Her name is Serena.

Like I said, thing I have dosen't mean you will have. Thing you have dosesn't mean it will applies to me either. If you disagree with me. Don't get mad. I am just giving an indication.
  • rtsang88 體力 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11
  • rtsang88 威望 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11
  • rtsang88 金錢 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11


原帖由 stephen612 於 2009-12-21 06:37 發表
我17歲 想搵條靚 又後生GE 女援 破
師兄, you are in such a tender age. Here's my personal advice to you. When you are planning to 破處, you should give this to your gf. The one with feeling for you, not 女援.

Afterall, these MM are doing it for her job. They don't care how you feel.
As you grow up in the long run, you have plenty of chances to try MM.
Otherwise you missed the beauty of love and dating.

Why do we all here look for GFF?! GFF= Girl friend feel.
It is because we sometimes missed the feeling between the girl friend and ourselves.
We all made out of flesh & blood, we have emotion too.

If you are planning to just fcuk and no love, you will regret this when you look back in your life.

[ 本帖最後由 Juwan5 於 2009-12-23 13:42 編輯 ]


Yumi & Michelle 中港韓大戰

I want to eat some good Kimchi for a long time. Problem is I don’t know many good places. From my past experiences, I end up looking at newspaper ads and went home disappointed. Most of the Kimchi I’ve met are mature. They are almost 35 and pretend to be 25.   

I have asked my friend lich13 c-hing any good recommendation. He gave me the garage.
So I gave a shot, and went there to taste some good kimchi.

Yumi & Michelle 中港韓大戰

This place is recommended by lich13 c-hing
電話: 647-發生生-(^^*
茶   : YUMI (she is 韓國人 Korean)
年份: 22 (base on the look, cannot be more than 25. She looks like a little girl)
茶杯: close to 5’6”
茶費: 140/30分鐘 (Keeper extended 10 minutes for me) + 10 tips
茶樣: 9.1/10
茶杯: 34C technically speaking, 杯 size is at the borderline of B & C
茶孔: 8/10 tight
服務: 10/10 BBBJ, LFK, occasional DFK, shower together, 69, Great GFF
回沖率: 9 <-if I have many ammo

Sorry Yumi don’t want to be recognize and she told me to get her pic from the official site.

I thought it was another place, when I went to the place, the lady keeper recognizes me.   Last time I have a good session with Joey; the HK gal. Since I am her “regulars”, she ensures Yumi to give great service to me; on top of that, she has extended my session to 40 minutes.  For those newbies, normally the session last only 30 minutes and NO DFK.

The process I am not planning to mention. It’s too lengthy.  This Korean MM have trouble speaking English  but I am very good with my body language  . Always make her laugh! We have some LFK and occasional DFK. I have requested many type of positions, she didn’t complaint and willing to accommodates me. We both cuddle afterward while catching our breath and hug in bed for a while before we take shower together.

I gave her家用+ $10 tips and leave. Yumi is really like a little girl and very cute. Make-ups can disguise the age but her behaviours cannot pretend. Afterall, she is a young girl. When I about to leave; the lady keeper introduces me to other girls. I didn’t realized there were many people who were waiting for YUMI.

Last time, the lady keeper told me the Japanese MM in short hair was good. I thought that was Tiffany, apparently I got mixed up.   She told me, if I could come early tomorrow, she will let me be Tiffany’s first customer of the day. From what I remember, 13 c-hing told me Tiffany has long hair.  
So I cannot resist and told the lady keeper I am coming tomorrow just for Tiffany.


Suppose today was a good day for me, me and my date with Tiffany; unfortunately lady keeper told me Tiffany has booked for Outcall.     So I ran to the garage and see anything good to eat. There were at least 5 girls for me to choose.  

There were Yumi, Michelle, Connie from HK, Gigi and Tina are two other girls. They are not my cup of tea. I saw Yumi and she said hi to me.  At first I was planning to re-eat Yumi, she looks tired so I let her go. I have survey Connie a bit, well, she is alright but not in mood to do her. Then there is this very young girl who sat next to Yumi. She looks young and fresh. Her name is Michelle.  
茶   : Michelle (she is from Sichuan, China)
年份: 22 – 23 (she looks and act like her actual age, there is no way she is more than 24)
茶杯: 5’5”
茶費: 120/30分鐘 (Keeper extended 10 minutes for me) + 10 tips
茶樣: 9/10
茶杯: 34 or 35C (legit C杯, Her shoulder frame ain’t small.)
茶孔: 9/10 tight (She use her body to squeezes Little Juwan)
服務: 9.5/10 BBBJ, shower together, DFK with tongue, 69
回沖率: 11 <-  Sorry guys, I have officially sink boat   
The lady keeper knows I am not happy because I have made appointment for Tiffany and unable to try. So she told me to choose between these 5 girls. When I have chosen Michelle, she told Michelle to give great service to me and again extend my minutes.

For new guys, Michelle’s 家用 is 120/ 30 mins. CBJ only and LFK and NO TONGUE.   

Since she said she had great feel from me, therefore she brakes the rules just for me.

The process I won’t mention in here, they are same old process.

Here are some of the highlights from this session...

- Ever since she closed the door, she just come straight to me and hug me and DFK me.  
- While we take showers together, we also have DFK, she had a candy in her mouth and past it to me while DFK  
- She shivers when I licked her and she is not used to being lick, real water coming out
- When I lifted her up and fcuk, I told her to look in the mirror and she blushed, so adorable
- By the time I am “done” she won’t let me go and she used her body to “squeezes” me for awhile before I come out of her

Gave her家用 + $10tips, I took her number and leave, by the time I left the building I realize I forget to take a photo of her. DAMN!  I was really into this session.

These two girls are from the same garage. I have a very good time with both Michelle and Yumi.
Now I can forget about Joey & Vivian.

Like I said, things I have doesn’t mean you will also have. It is clearly stated from the above.
The above are from my hard earned money and hard work in order to achieve this. This is my version.
If you don’t agree with me, you can post your own version.

If you guys like it, please give me some feedback man. If you are planning to write "Thanks for sharing", please don't bother to reply me.

If you think it is a good post, please give me some points too. Afterall, 2Q in Toronto are very expensive!



It's young pussy man, couldn't resist to do a nice 69. If any c-hing could speaks Korean, Yumi will treat you nice.

For Yumi & Michelle, NORMALLY, they don't do many crazy things as I have mentioned from above. They just had great feel with me, they broke their rules just for me. If any of you are frustrated & not agree after trying with Yumi or Michelle, ain't my fault. If you want girls to treat you good, you have to treat them good.


回復 627# 的帖子

Hey C-hing,

Really sorry you have a shitty experience with Michelle. Like I said, it really depends on the person and really depends on the reaction from MM. What I had do not apply  to everyone.

Honestly, I don't know what went wrong between you and the girl. I have already emphasize from my report, Michelle broke the rules JUST BECAUSE SHE GOT GOOD FEEL WITH ME. No, this is not for advertisement and like I said, this is from my own report via my own hard earn money.

Hopefully you have a good time with other girls.

[ 本帖最後由 Juwan5 於 2009-12-30 12:26 編輯 ]




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