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[原創] HKCS: Brahms Addiction情迷布拉姆斯-曾鳳李偉安大提琴鋼琴二重奏 22/6(Sat 8pm)

HKCS: Brahms Addiction情迷布拉姆斯-曾鳳李偉安大提琴鋼琴二重奏 22/6(Sat 8pm)

Presented by Hong KongCellist Society
Co-presented by Cello Factory

Forever Red Project
Brahms Addiction: Clara Tsangand Warren Lee Duo Recital
情迷布拉姆斯 - 曾鳳李偉安二重奏音樂會

Hong Kong Cellist Society is proud topresent an extraordinary concert “Brahms Addiction Clara Tsang and Warren LeeDuo Recital”, featuring cellist Clara Tsang and pianist Warren Lee, to be heldon 22 June, 2013 (Saturday 8pm) in the Concert Hall of the Hong Kong Academyfor Performance Arts (HKAPA).

This is our fourth concert under theForever Red Project.  We journey into thelife and works of Brahms, where you will discover his cello and pianomusic.  Over twenty years separatedBrahms’s two cello sonatas No. 1 inE minor, Op 38 and No. 2 inF major Op 99, and thus one is youthful yet tragic, while the second one ismature yet still heroic.  His cellosonata in D major Op 78 transcribed from his violin sonata was inspired bytragedy but full of restrained sweetness. We hope these works of the Romanticism of Brahms will seduce and enchantyou, whisking you off to a world of passion, devotion, and hope.

今年六月二十二日(星期六)香港演藝學院音樂廳),大提琴家曾鳳將與鋼琴家李偉安先生合作演出由香港大提琴家協會主辦的Forever Red 計劃演奏系列之四《情迷布拉姆斯曾鳳李偉安二重奏音樂會》,獻上三首布拉姆斯的E小調Op.38F大調 Op.99 D大調 Op.78(改編自小提琴G大調)的大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲,為樂迷帶來一場感性而浪漫的音樂饗宴。

Cello大提琴Clara Tsang曾鳳
Piano 鋼琴 Warren Lee李偉安

June 22th, 2013 SAT 8PM
The Hong Kong Academy forPerformance Arts Concert Hall 香港演藝學院音樂廳

Ticket: HK$ 260, 200, 180 (Aged60 or above / Full time students 50% off)
Tickets are now available at HKTicketing and Tom Lee Outlets.
Ticket Purchase Hotline 購票熱線 31 288 288*
Internet Booking 網上訂票 www.hkticketing.com
Program Enquiries 節目查詢 (852) 2728 7906 /info@hkcellistsociety.org.hk /www.hkcellistsociety.org.hk
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/hongkongcellistsociety


J. Brahms Cello Sonata in D major Op. 78(arr. from Violin Sonata)
D大調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品78 (改編自小提琴奏鳴曲)

J. Brahms Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor Op. 38

J. Brahms Cello Sonata No. 2 in F major Op. 99

相關搜索目錄: Piano




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