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[上樓骨] 再試潞丹拿

Thanks for Ching reset this line!
A month ago I've tried Wai Wai, who is really good in Massage with medium to great force. For my  experience, Siu Lan is also good in Massage to relieve the tired after a hard working of the week.


Long time no see my cup of tea (Yoyo), I went there yesterday and wanted to say “Kung Hei Fat Choy” with her. But she has taken a vacation, so the other boss “Apple” introduced Jojo to serve me. Jojo has been served me before, and her massage skill with medium to great force is suitable to me. After massage, my shoulders felt better and the tire was gone away.
Before I left LDN, I asked Apple what date will Yoyo come back? Apple said "Thursday or Friday".


Totally agreed with Xiantsang C-hing said, an experienced Bg is better than a new or young outlook Bg. It mainly depends on the purpose of massage; for my own purpose is relief of tired. So Jojo and GE are my favorite. All of them are good at massage skill. Of course, Yoyo is also my favorite but now she would not provide service.




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