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有冇人留意明珠台Patrick Fok?

Wooa! Thank you ar. The one he plays hockey is so hot arrrr.I had requested adding him too, of course he ignored me too la.
But will his friends add a stranger for no reason?


Oh I guessed so gar lar... because haven't seen him in any air-time for months till now. Plus, didn't seen him in the new promo for News Dept. lor. Wish him good luck lar coz cctvb is no good for career lar.


I think those who had studied journalism (especially from overseas) will never be happy working in HK-local media, only being an anchor in local-TV network in particular. Cable-TV without sole english news channel for more than a decade (I'm not sure about NOW, but seems they don't have a local english-speaking news channel either); TVB's conservatism & ATV's lack of resources stops journalists from digging news. Otherwise, journalists can of coz switch to some foreign news/press agencies station in HK.

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