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原帖由 石志銘 於 2010-8-14 00:55 發表

可能我個樣又衰, 又光頭又大肚腩, 結果無下文, 不過都有件妹妹仔陪我玩成晚, 總算有啲得著!
I am neither 光頭 nor 大肚腩, but my luck was even worse.
First, the place was full of aunties last night, .
Secondly, almost no lady alone, very bad luck for me,


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-8-20 16:08 發表

小雅, 江蘇, 20/160, 及手波, 清純漂亮, 像個學生妹, 大眼紅唇, 做過會所, 手法專業純熟, 開放度可以, 只做260.

俏俏, 湖南, 22/162, 身材勻稱, 前 ...
Bro LJW, since i am always staying in PuDong, past experience from 小婷 indicate its just too far away from them.
Do u think if i select from 靈子, will it be better ?


原帖由 siuliee 於 2010-9-9 23:50 發表
今天找了心緣安排. ..

另外, 心緣說最近上海查得很嚴, 很多場子都關了, 各位師兄行事小心為上, 還是上門比較安全!
It is absolutely correct that even some Saunas operating in a very low profile have been temporarily closed.  


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-10-1 21:41 發表
每隔一段時間, 就有懶ching問電話, 再post一次吧:

小婷: 1#818#82972  QQ: 1#2071#152  MSN: xin.ziing老鼠
麗麗: 1500080228#

曼曼: 1#761558788  QQ: 15896##878
: 1#76467##19  QQ: 4#6909##
: 1#651641#1#  QQ: 122656790#   
LJW master, seem 靈子's number is not update.


Visit 靈子 on the 1-Oct

The first day of National Day holiday, boring to death and a bit scared to go to Sauna or call-in massage.  Suddenly remember brother LJW mentioned about the agent's club house.  Cannot wait any more, sms 靈子 and ask for her arrangement (big breast is requested). Arrived at 3:30 pm and 靈子 arranged 俏俏 and its already there waiting for me.
FS is not a problem but consider a bit embarrass, since 靈子's right near room with me, so in case my voice is loud, 靈子 can hear,
Overall reaction with 俏俏 is very good, and 靈子 told me that she got lots more for me to try next time, what a good service agent ?

Furthermore, just want to say THANKS to LJW again,


原帖由 Superwind 於 2010-10-4 02:18 發表
Pandababy Ching,
Are 灵子, 小婷 clubhouse the same place ?  If not, please advise around which area ?
I didnt visit 小婷's clubhouse yet, however, as 灵子, 小婷 are totally independent agents, their clubhouse should NOT be the same.
You can contact with the agent directly regarding the area and how to go there.


原帖由 greatsea 於 2010-10-4 02:15 發表
Hi there, I've tried the on call service in Shanghai, the girls are not as good as you described, I have seen a lot of options if you go to the SN places. Not sure if these girls on call are the same.
Very often, it depend on your luck.
Regarding SN, they will not provide delivery services. However, not too sure about what you refer to "a lot options". I visited SN here but usually just two options, single lady or double fly.  For instance, you cannot have two plans in SN; HJ or FS with different prices.
By the way, 灵子 have got a lots of plans, HJ, breast push oil, buttock push oil, FS, etc each with different prices.
I didnt want to know the details, just tell her, if i got the feel/mood, FS otherwise HJ

[ 本帖最後由 pandababy 於 2010-10-4 20:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-10-9 22:47 發表
百日嚴打結束, 十一假也過了, 上門服務又開始蓬勃起來; agent冰冰(Tel:1#6#66#9#22 QQ:939676780)推介旗下三個評價很不錯的年輕技師:
嬌嬌, 湖南, 22/166, 90幾斤, 長腿mm, 很漂亮, 皮膚白皙, 豐滿性感型, 開放度可.
樂樂, 江蘇, 23/163, 90, 溫柔, 可愛型, 手法很專業, 開放度可.
朵朵, 安徽, 22/160, 85, 小巧玲瓏, 可愛漂亮, 開放度可.  ...
Looks good to me especially the first one.
However, none of the above have D+, i guess.


回復 3642# 的帖子

點解暫時別去sn 及 ktv 呢?


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