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Hello there,

I'm writing here to share some opitions and experiences of myself after reading few posts in this forum, to be honest, I was one of "those girls" (the golden fishes inside the Night Club) for around three months, I've been seeing so many new guys, meeting many clients and making friends with many of them as well, without sexually involved of course as I was a golden fish only, they loved to ask for some contact numbers, and sometimes invited me out for drinks or dinners just to chill.

Most of my clients were married, there were certainly a few of them were single or just got out from a relationship, well... many of you on this forum thinks we (the golden fishes) were materialistic, girls who asks for money in purpose, partly true (that's the main reason why we were working there, if there is better choices with better incomes, who would stay?!) but what I could see myself was, there were still a little bit young ages girls, including myself, were still innocent in mind, and hoping that there could be a chance to try to look for the perfect man as we were still single.

I had an experience that, a few of my colleagues and I got hurted by one of our clients, he pretended to be Mr. Nice Guy and started to flirt with us, took our contact numbers, and tried to act like he was interested in us, and then tried chasing us, asking us out as a date, and this man even introduced me to his college friends and brought me to his appartment and his friend's place to join their Valentine's Day Gathering with the wifes (as he was apparently single). One day, I found out he had been asking one of my colleagues out after spending time in the Night Club, and then slept with her as some kind of... well not yet sex partner but friends with advantages or stuff liked that (WITHOUT MONEY INVOLVED), and she told me he was kind of disappeared after they had few sexual nights, so she was trying to see if I could do something for her, and I felt sorry for her as I saw her crying during serving another client after she expressed herself to me (I guess she was suddently thinking about him by somehow) and I knew her tears wasn't for the money, I believed she felt liked an idiot, a damn ass who got cheated by a client, as to be honest, I felt in that way, as he was keeping telling me for a whole month that how much he liked me, how much I attracted him...... and after I've noticed about things happened between them, I called and asked him and he was liked, judging me back, "Yea I like you but so what, what do you want me to do? To chase you by sending you flowers? You are working in the Night Club for christ sake"..... well frankly what he said made myself completely awake and I knew he wasn't as nice as he acted, so I couldn't let myself still treat him as friend or even a client after I've received that "comment"... I never wanted to serve him anymore, and then, few weeks later, he did came again and asked for me but I refused to see him and told Mami and Daddy to help me reject this guy and his invitations of any kind, plus I was slightly busy serving some other richer and more decent gentlements, with better deals, better tips, better atmospheres.

After all those bad lucks, I am really really happy now as I've met my perfect boy friend by coincidence and fate, right there inside the same Night Club, around a week afterwards, and I've been spending precious times with my man for almost a year already, we had been living together all along, and travelling around together, and also we are having our tiny little poodles together as well. Last but not least, we still love each other more and more everyday, and I do believe there is true love from the Night Club.... as there really is!!!..... only if you are as lucky enough to find the right girl..... like me~*




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