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BAD Restaurant - Singaporian food

原帖由 tonyfoo169 於 2007-7-10 09:56 AM 發表
Mrs. Chan Singapore Malaysia Homemade Food
尖沙咀北京道63號地庫  23688706  星馬菜

I went there yesterday and I was so so so so so so so so so so so unhappy about their &qu ...
I once recommended this restaurant but after they moved from Hart Avenue to Peking Road, the food quality has deteriorated, the price has gone up substantially, and the service (not very good to begin with) is unfriendly.  Last time I went there, they did not even have Hainan chicken rice on the meu but you can order a whole or half chicken and order the rice separately.  This works out to be well over $100 for a humble Hainan chicken rice.

I haven't gone back since.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-10 10:08 編輯 ]




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