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[原創] 我愛海南雞飯

原帖由 lordnel 於 2007-12-16 11:56 PM 發表
唔通要食海南雞飯, 真係要返新加坡逸群或者當地文華 or 文東記...?  ><"
To me, I had the worst 海南雞飯 at 逸群 and I went there twice.  First time wasn't good so I gave it another go, thinking that Chai Lan's recommendation won't be that far off and that first experience was a one-off incident.  My advice is, DON'T GO!!!!!  

I asked my friend to drive me to 文東記 and it took a good 30 min. drive and it was absolutely nothing to write home about.  She took me to another one, which I don't know where and the name, like a Tai Pai Dong.  It was by far better than 文東記, so I guess this kind of good stalls are everywhere in Singapore.

To play safe, I would go to 文華, at least you get some guarantee of the quality on any given day.

A taxi driver recommended me to go to one in 牛車水 大樓 which is said to be the best in Singapore,but when I went there, the shop was closed for one month as the owner went on a holiday to see their child's graduation in Australia.  There's only one in the building, so he told me, so you won't miss.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-12-18 22:40 編輯 ]




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