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[疑難] 破產令解除後申請信用卡

原帖由 w128501 於 2008-3-14 06:18 PM 發表
You can get a copy of your credit report from TransUnion by paying a small fee.


When a bank issues you a credit card (or rejects your credit card application), gives out a loan (or rejects your loan application), ... or when you default in a repayment for over a month, the transaction will be reported to and recorded in TransUnion's databank.  Usually, such entries will be automatically removed after two years, except for delinquency which will be kept for 5 years.

After a financial institution made a credit inquiry of you, they are obligated to send you a notice informing you of such inquiry.  You can use that letter from the financial institution within 30 days (maybe 60 days) to ask for a free report from TransUnion.

In the case of bankruptcy, the data will be retained for 8 years from the date of petition for bankruptcy proceeding.

Have a look at the FAQ in the above link.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2008-9-4 17:41 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2008-9-5 10:39 AM 發表
你講環聯信貸資料庫,我相信 3 年前銀行就會用,而家應該會用白氏得。 
I can only tell from my own experience - my last credit report from TransUnion was as recent as 6 months ago.  It was like a "book" with entries from all the banks that I had dealings with on credit cards, loans, ... in the last 2 years.  At least HSBC, DBS, Citibank, DSB, CCB, BEA,... made inquiries and put entries in the databank and they claim to be "the only centralized database of consumer credit in Hong Kong".  

D&B is more for business credit as opposed to consumer credit.  Just wonder if anyone has seen their own credit report from D&B.

相關搜索目錄: Database 銀行


原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2008-9-5 12:14 PM 發表
DSB, CCB 全名係咩? 


Dah Shing Bank, China Construction Bank.

Unless TransUnion lies, they claim they are the ONLY centralized database of CONSUMER credit in HK.  

The banks I dealt with only informed me they made inquiries at TransUnion but never at D&B.

相關搜索目錄: Database 銀行




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