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Wine lovers! pls come in!!

原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-9 03:15 PM 發表

my wife doesn't know how good or how bad the wine is, she will say it's good if she feels it's good and so do i~~! if your wife only wants to drink big 5 on her birthday, i think u better divoi ...
My wife doesn't drink at all.  I don't even know what big 5 are.  I only know fab 4, the Beatles.

There's nothing wrong with it but it's not meant to be reserved for a special ocassion.  It's a good daily drinking wine but not one for special mention.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 GstringLover 於 2007-7-9 03:37 PM 發表
To : dejavu2003

Penfolds is really a good brand and after drinking so many different brand, I feel the quality is very good and stable, I feel the pirce i paid is worth it. If you know any other ...
Well, I am an Aussie, and I own the shares of the Fosters Group and I still have Grange, 707, RWT, 389, Yattarna in my little cellar.  Tell me something on Penfolds that i don't know...

I dare say I have had the most 1998 #389 that few people have.  I had bought them regularly before, and then I had a deal with my bottle shop guy that every time if I bring something in the duty free shop for him on the way in, he would reimburse me plus a free bottle of 1998 #389.  We on average make 12 trips a year.  After 3 years, the guy said I have depleted his #389 stock and the deal is now off.


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-7-9 04:12 PM 發表

I didn't know 98 389 is so precious, I've just opened my last bottle (of 4 collected) last week.  Tasted good ar!  (After about half hour's breathing.)

Pls don't ask me for taste notes.
Please, DON'T bring one out Wed as Kenzo1111 will hate it.


原帖由 GstringLover 於 2007-7-9 04:31 PM 發表
To: dejavu2003

Well, if you are an Aussie then I guess you know most of the things about Penfolds already. Frankly speaking, I would say the red wines from Penfolds are really worth to try and  ...
Magill Estate, of course, I can find them, at least in the bottle shop I go to.  They stock anything you can think of - from the Big 5, 2nd growth, Aussie, Kiwi, anything.

I drink only Aussie wine as they are more affordable and they are readily available.  But I don't usually buy Penfolds these days (I only get it for free from my bottle shop) as I know I am paying a premium for the brand.  The Yattarna is a good example.  They can't be better than a Leewin Estate Arts Series Chardonnay but they sell for much more.  Pound for pound, I prefer Torbreck at every level.  I shouldn't be saying that as a shareholder.  Of course, I will have a Magill Estate next time around.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 資深球迷2世 於 2007-7-9 04:45 PM 發表

great~~ then please give me your best suggestion, my budget is about $200-300 per bottle, maybe i will book a table in a chinese restaurant and invite her family member as well, so the total nu ...
I think Laughing Magpie as suggested by Brother Kenzo1111 is a very good idea.  I used to buy them from Watson @ $218 which is the special price - and they were always on Special.  Has the price come down after the tax cut?

Otherwise, you can try 407 as brother GsL suggested but I think it's closer to $300 than $250.  I pay over A$30 in Australia.

But I think Laughing Magpie is probably better value, and your wife will be more impressed as you pick something she won't see in Parkn Shop.

Another suggestion is the Torbreck Woodcutter, @ less than $200, or its more expensive sibling Juvenile.  I think Watson probably carry them.



原帖由 GstringLover 於 2007-7-9 04:58 PM 發表
To : dejavu2003  

The bottle shop you go to is in HK or Australia? I will only drink the red wine from Penfolds as I know theri white is not as good as their red since long time ago. The red win ...
The bottle shop I referred to is in Sydney but in the suburb.  

From memory, you can get the Torbreck in Watson.  Oddly, we can easily find Torbreck in Guangzhou as my friend coud buy them at reasonable prices there.  I actually might be joining the wine maker Dave for dinner in GZ soon.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-7-10 12:37 AM 發表

NOW i am telling u man!!!
I HAVE ONE BOTTLE OF 389 1998!!!!! in my small cellar!!!!
just so mean to share it and open it
I tell you what.  I have about 7-8 bottles lying on the floor in my kitchen in Sydney.

We might end up having everybody bringing out a bottle of 389.


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-7-10 12:39 AM 發表

SOR LO.  i just don't like too powerful shiraz!!
i like blending wine so much such as 389!!!
Shall I bring the Wendouree Shiraz Mataro instead of the Shiraz?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-7-12 12:19 AM 發表
Thank You Bros. kenzo1111; dejavu2003; tailawyau; and friend.

Nice wines, good food and good company in a refined surrounding. One can not ask for too much more !!!

It was nice seeing you guys and I agree, can't ask for more.

It just sank in that we spent $1,000 on food and $5,000 (possibly more) on wine and still not able to get drunk.  Isn't that ridiculous?

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-12 00:42 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-15 10:35 PM 發表
小第月尾3x大壽............c hing們自己繳械.........9月頭有局!!!
Aussie Shiraz?


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-19 02:42 AM 發表
whatever u bring la (underlying word> Grange la)
i bring Lafite 2nd 98!!!


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-19 03:11 AM 發表
by the way, 近日來有無損手? 我冇左10k.......
我費事計,應該 Paper Loss $1.5 mil 左右啦,只不過將呢幾個月揾到既輸返一大截姐。不過我好confident 十月之前會揾返大部份,


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-19 03:20 AM 發表

我費事計,應該 Paper Loss $1.5 mil 左右啦,只不過將呢幾個月揾到既輸返一大截姐。不過我好confident 十月之前會揾返大部份,
重有D P/Fund 都趕唔切係 10 月 anniversary 畤轉。 10 零 % loss 都唔見幾十個,不過唔去check 咪當冇事囉.


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-8-19 08:23 AM 發表

Good AH!  U so Kind !!  


P.S.  I'm back on the 12th, anytime after 14th ?
Before 9/20 as I'll fly out on 9/21


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-8-20 11:05 AM 發表
生記???  the one in Wan Chai?


then pls remember to bring a beauty with you this time
Most beauties that are accessible cannot drink ar.


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-8-22 02:43 PM 發表

我地上次五個人飲咗四支,平均每人 0.8 枝,對好似我D酒量淺既人黎講,尼D係劈酒,所以我唔係要揾個會飲酒既Beauty, 而係個會劈酒既。我下個禮拜劈完順便問吓啦。揾唔倒我最多去叫差人揾囉。



原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-8-23 07:12 PM 發表




請大家一齊去坐下啦 - 你遲咗两個禮拜啦。你睇我變賣頭上既紫釵,都知我今非昔比。


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2007-8-27 11:19 AM 發表

19/9 灣仔生記呀!!!


Shall we go for western food?  I think it goes better with the wine.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-27 09:58 PM 發表
concuding all the comments, let's change place la.
Dejavu, shall u give any suggestion?  
any suggestion from other brothers?
I would recommend Mirepoix at Wyndham Street.  Perfect place for oiur ocassion as they serve the dinner slowly.   And the ambience was excellent.  They charge $100 corkage but in the whole scheme of things, it's nothing.  You can also offset this corkage against the juice, mineral water consumption.

They renovated a while ago, and I don't know whether they re-open or not but I can check.

Sun Kee is very expensive at the new place.


原帖由 barton 於 2007-8-28 12:46 AM 發表
$100 per bottle or for all bottles?
I think it's per bottle.


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-28 11:08 PM 發表
搵間唔charge carkage 啦,
銅鑼灣 french 私房菜 about 350 per heat...利園bmw對面 omega 樓上 3 or 4樓
You drink a $1,000 bottle of wine and you worry about the $100 corkage?  I'd rather get something decent - decent place, decent food, and decent wine glass.

You make sure this one is good.  The corkage is a non-factor.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-8-28 11:56 PM 發表

Do you mean  Chez Moi   
I hope the Chinese name is not 酒•池肉林 or something like that.


原帖由 Antenna 於 2007-8-29 12:50 AM 發表

In my humble opinion, money should be spent on the right way. It is not the problem of the amount. I am a poor guy but many of my friends is well off. Most of them spend their money very very car ...
Well, I never argued with restaurant on corkage as long as it's reasonable, as I think they forgo the profit they would otherwise get from the patrons' wine consumption, and they do spend a lot of effort in serving you, the provision of wine glasses and its cleaning ....  I am a poor guy but I am a fair guy too.  Of course I would welcome restaurant waiving the corkage but i won't go out of my way to ask for a waiver.

If we were to order the same $1,000 wine from the restaurant, how much would their markup be.

相關搜索目錄: Cleaning Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2007-8-29 10:19 AM 發表
maybe we can list some restaurant for all to consider, and brother kenzo1111 you make decision la, it's for your birthday.
Yung 記 or 生記 la.


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-8-29 03:45 PM 發表

生記 should be ruled out for failing in these catagories - decent place, decent wine glasses.

While their foods are decent, the place is noisy and rushed, wine glasses are those you'd find i ...
No, that was only my preference.  You guys might have other ideas.

My #1 priority is that it should have a clean toilet.

相關搜索目錄: Wine




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