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原帖由 CPAMBA 於 2006-8-20 02:37 AM 發表
真係唔明個會用d會員既血汗錢(會費etc), 拍埋d咁低質既廣告~~~~

會址從中環搬去Belgian Bank bldg.再去金鍾,而家都唔知係邊? 好似愈搬愈豪咁。嗰日重介紹有個 lounge,俾會員去happy hour. 但講真,有冇人需要上去先。咁多年來,我只上過一次攞馬牌。

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 CPAMBA 於 2006-11-8 01:02 PM 發表
3 November 2006
  To: All Members
  Dear XXXX,
  The Council has decided to increase the annual membership fee by HK$250 from HK$2,100 to HK$2,350 beginning in 2007.
  You'l ...
It won't affect me, as I am withdrawing from the membership on 1 Jan 2007.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-11-13 08:04 AM 發表

So what will you join?
I am withdrawing from HKICPA and ACCA.  I might just keep AICPA, if at all.  This is what all my friends do, long time ago.

My only fear is, if I just don't pay the subscription, they will call me up and remind me.  In that case, it would be embarrassing for me to tell them on the phone that I am withdrawing.  It might sound 反骨。  ACCA is no problem.

For me, they have run their course and the only benefit I get from HKICPA these days is I can get cheap tax loan.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2006-11-14 05:46 AM 編輯 ]


原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-11-14 02:19 AM 發表

But I don't believe u need a tax loan or any loan!!
I do need all kinds of loans if the interest rate is cheap.  I use that in lieu of mortgages, IPOs, .... all kinds of things that generate money or save money.  But of course the loans are not for spending purposes.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-11-15 09:57 AM 發表

Really? So I should perhaps consider more loans as they call me every week!
If I had not had the loans, I probably would have placed smaller stakes on IPOs on #3322, #3968, #272, #3983, #3918, #1398......  Any one of these IPOs would be enough to pay one full year's interest on the loan itself.  On a good day, I can recover 10 years interest in 2 weeks.

I get calls everyday and usually these are bad deals.  Those "0.3%... or something flat per month", I just ask them to tell me the APR, and if it's more than 5%, please don't call me again.




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