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hi.... hoteliers

Hi Lu,

I made an on-line "reservation" without knowing the rate, without confirmation, without giving out my credit card info, .....  I will be contacted within 24 hrs., they said.

I was going to check out the rate and couldn't find that on the first page.  I filled in all the details and hit confirm, hoping that the booking details willl be listed after the page change, before the booking is confirmed.   Before I knew it, my booking was "confirmed".  I don't think your system is ready to accept on-line reservation.  You'd better leave it to the travel agents for now.

Couldn't find the $888 that you told me.  Was I too drunk when you said that - could that be $4,888 or $8,888 which were all I could find on the website.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2006-11-11 03:29 PM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


原帖由 jimmyboy2102 於 2006-11-11 03:37 PM 發表

Hi Dejavu,

I make a try too. Same advise shown after enterd.
Maybe they will contact you direct for confirmation.
You may awared that Reservation date started at Nov 16 onward in the web.
Did you make the reservation in the last 24 hours?  Have you been contacted yet?

I have no urgency to go but @ $888, I just can't resist.   @ $4,888 or $8,888, I have second thought.


原帖由 allure 於 2006-11-11 07:00 PM 發表

大師兄... 888+15%係opening promotion, 不過 no applicable to the GP period.  For your bookings, i'll follow up personally when i get back to the office tomorrow.  Don't worry!!! I'll find out for  ...
Thanks.  I booked on Dec 15 Friday for one night and one room only.  If it's too much trouble, I can try to do it at a later date.

& you are most welcomed.




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