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[上樓骨] HM at TST


A few days ago I went to this well know usb and was introduced a bg called Mimi, she is quite young compared with the other bg at usb, slim with long hair and her face looks like logo girl but once she talked to me, you found out she was from mainland no doubt about it. Anyway, her bone skill is ok (my massage life is over 22 years already and I can tell who is good or not ). I had three hours massage there cost me $400 with no vas but I was erected of course due to sensitive positions were touched . The place was quite nice but compare with the new one like Kimberly or Bali spa it seems not updated enough may be the caretaker need to improved this otherwise their business can hardly survived. The business there was not good even the time I went was the golden period at night (4 rooms only me). I may go again to try Mimi again or some other bg la.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Thanks for connector c hing's valuable information which us more easy to select next time.


Visited HM last week and found out that some BG left already e.g. Dau Dau I miss her bone skill a lot, she is not very forceful but is my favourite. Then try another BG forgot her name, bone skill is ok. Three parts =2 hours and15 mins cos me $500 plus tips 100=$600 no vas provided but touch sensitive positions made me very .
Btw any ching knows where Dau Dau went to.




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