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小 發表於 2010-10-5 11:07 顯示全部帖子
引用:原帖由 chungyong 於 2010-10-5 09:54 發表
Dear Sue, may I ask which provider you are using ?? Many thanks Why? Are you going to check if Sue is using the same provider as what you’re using and quit it if the answer is positive, isn’t it?
Take my advice, don’t change your provider unless the management fee of which is unreasonably high, otherwise it’s not worth doing so. Don’t forget that you may need to pay charge for changing a provider!
Just change the type of fund will do. In fact, the poor performance of Sue’s fund may be largely due to the market, you can’t blame anybody at all.
Please remember, the other side of the grass is not necessarily greener!
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