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小 發表於 2011-6-10 19:46 顯示全部帖子
引用:原帖由 suewong 於 2011-6-10 15:15 發表
can this justify why 鄧小平 3 上 3 落/ 北洋軍閥割據/ 文化大革命 ? seems 自私 / 窩堸 / 有家族 / 無國家 rooted in Chinese are sounder reasons... Absolutely, you’ve got it my Sister Sue!
You can’t deny that we Chinese have got that bad element rooted deeply down in our gene in such a way that we love to see other people becoming miserable and sadness.
Just like what we Hong Kong people are doing, we love to see the strong and united People’s Republic of China getting into dissolved as a result of the revolution, and to be divided into seven(?) independent countries as what the then pro Japanese Taiwan president木子登輝 once proposed.
In other words, many Hong Kong people, would surely love to see those big big troubles to be developed in China, just like what you’ve mentioned -鄧小平3 上3落/北洋軍閥割據/文化大革命,etc., we then could stay on the south of the border enjoying in watching the bloodshed across the whole China in the north of which.
I tell you what? If it does so unfortunately actually happen like that, I don’t think you would get that leisure in writing posts in this forum, instead, you’d probably rush for tickets and pack your valuable belongings on board.
筆懵懂 字敦厚 不以人廢言 不為世俗而避諱 當非董狐 惟學董筆 時扮小丑以娛人娛己 偶亦撰嘻笑怒駡怪論以玩世