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TST 富X足 Real Report

With respect to #1

I went there after reading the rather critical report, and had a somewhat different impression of the place.

I agreed that the layout of the place is poor with the main massage rooms and the shower at the extreme opposite ends.  The fancy shower tub is also  unnecessary.  Nevertheless, I found the place reasonably cozy and surprisingly clean and tidy.  They even disinfect the slippers after every use.  Ambience is definitely better at HM, but then again HM is a spa whereas this is a foot massage place.

I was in the large curtain-partitioned room but did not detect any foul smell.  The lady (Yuki) that did the massage for me was quite good and I have no qualms with it.  Also, I did not see any 45-50 years old massage ladies around.

I have a brief chat with the infamous Wing afterwards and found her rather friendly and pleasant and not as overwhelming as Man Man at HM.

I guess it is not fair comparing this place with HM.  HM is a well established establishment whereas this is a new start up. For goodness sake, give it a chance to develop!  Remember the current anchor lady at HM was once being critizied for her poor massage skill.

My overall remarks are:  "Before you condemn someone to the guillotine, at least give the accussed a fair trial." Well, give it a try and judge it for yourself.

相關搜索目錄: SPA




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