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Wow, 我在上海三年都没试过, 真失败. 可以pm 我地点吗 ?谢谢。


回復 94# 的帖子

Denny hing, 可以pm 你之前出过的SN 吗 ?


First hand report…. 今天上海天气很差, 一直落雨,没有停过. 那有什么好做呢? 当然要去Check下弟弟啦. 我刚才特别走到大x2, 但门口座了一个好像睇场的死靓仔, 说今天只招待会员.礼貌超差,跟他说我是香港人,特别走來.miumiu ,只说同一句说话.无名火即起,x, 什么态度!! 莫非真的是严打吗? 我之后打电话到reception,口径一样,今天办会员也无用.之后只好死死地走,但心有不甘,座车去了之前hokeungChing讨论过的GoldFish Tank, 远就真系远左啲,但非常不错.人真是多得夸张, 好像不用钱一样,挑完女后还要在等候区等房. 之后全程1tick过, 但走的时候有十个八个拍緊车入去. 問过条女,她说不管是周一至周日, 下午两点后一直忙到收工, 真是奇景.


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终于上周五又去了一次, 这次入門没問题了. 这里的硬件跟之前报告差很远, 所以冲过快凉试忽忙的入去选女. 条路都很迂回曲节,只好由小弟弟带路. 途中经过那些情趣房, 心已急不及待看女. 但到了选女的地方有点怪, 在一个房间里座了20-30条女, 有來自地方的牌及number挂在身上. 但是近距离,幾十条女望著您, 有点怕羞tim. 但设有一个上眼, 只好問还有女吗. 等了一阵, 一个來自北京有34C, 身高160cm, 带黑色眼镜用笑yum yum 的眼光跟我说 “下午好”,我已知道我要试这个. 她先問干磨定湿磨, 我选干磨, 之后她带我入了%A


今天天气太好啦,又想念那些情趣房. 2:30pm 到场,人已很多。今天只有几度,点知没有热水,弟弟都没法洗, 就要开工了。在这里揀女有点尴尬, 因为没有玻璃隔著,要啲女一个个起來,要尽快揀,不能拖太长,否则服务员会不耐烦。因为我要現情趣房,可接受的只有几个。最后揀了个170/34D,但只有西藏房,其它要等45分鈡。算啦,试下啦。但我很后悔這个决定,因为这个房好像一个廟一样,红色墙纸,滿天神佛,还要假装游客去叫鸡,除非各位CHING有这方面的僻好,否则还等下好.Patience is a virtue..


I usually settle with Cash to avoid unnecessary items on bank statement. I know they accept local Chinese Credit Card but not sure about oversea. You can always call and checkout. Name : 大木桥2号, Tel :  [email=6404@359]6$0$2359[/email]

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


2011 last report

终于到了2011年最后一天, 今年收获不错, 多谢各师兄教路, 食了不少好嘢. 我上周带了我一个香港來的死党去试情趣房. 我当然选了教室, 女女扮老师教性教育及生理, 我扮学生与寂寞老帅去实习, 很过瘾, 答错問题要打手扳啊. 我个friend 只有偷窥房, 扮变态佬。原本真的可以偷窥格里房的!! 真搅野!!


Chings, Sorry to disappoint you. I just went there and the front door is chained. Outside there are a few guys, and they said the placed is closed for renovation and does not know when will re-open again. They gave me a card for another place at 虹梅路, I called and the guy said they have merged and provide the same service. Will try sometime if possible, too bad....


As mentioned in previous report, I went to this place called #3 after #2 is closed for renovation. It is far away from 徐汇, on the other side of town at 长宁, it took me almost 45min to get there since the traffic on highway is terrible especially Friday. The place is quite discrete in an office building, you can see the sign far away. Girls and service are pretty much the same but no 情趣房, mainly wet and dry massage. But hardware is much better than the other place, rooms are much bigger and look cleaner. I choose a girl with Size C cup and good body, but face is 6/10 only, can't be perfect right. The service is excellent with  BJ even on the wet bed and she was so horny that she was even playing with herself during ML. Before we reach our burning point, she took out a spray from her bag and spray on our privates. Suddenly an extremely hot feeling surged and immediately unloaded, first time ever experience. I asked her afterwards what it was, she said it was sometime you used to freshen your breath and spraying it on her clits make her even higher.... wow... If I ever go back again, there is no other choice.


Not cheap, if you say you are member of #2 and leave your mobile number, you get 100 discount. Otherwise, full package is RMB890. The place is on 虹梅路, if you want the exact address, I am PM you.


各位Brother, 星期日#2 已经重开,听说Hardware upgrade 了不少,如有兴趣,试完请报告


Tricky sms from sn

I was tricked by these annoying sms last week to try #1 near 龙华寺, hardware is really just as bad as #2. I went last Thursday and I saw only a handful of girls (around 3pm), they said they have shared half of the total with #2. Seriously, there was nothing to choose from so I waited for a while and saw a 'better' one just finished, so quickly grabbed her. Seriously, the process was quite standard but one of the worst experience was on the water bed, there is a very bright light shining into your eye. This cannot be turned off because it keeps you warm so the feeling is pretty bad. Then when we dried up, she offer a three-some with her sister. This is the first time for many years, and she bought in a 36D with ok face for this process. It was quite enjoyable and pretty chaotic with so many holes to take care.. , anyway, if hardware are not improved, I will stop going to sn for a while.


回復 234# 的帖子

3P cost around 1150, not cheap....




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